These Signs Might Have Their Relationships Tested During This Month's Full Moon
Ready or not, here the full moon comes. This dramatic lunar phase is marked by unexpected shifts, endings, and revelations. Regardless of what happens, the emotional tides tend to turn, often pointing you in a new direction. When I say the December 2019 full moon will be the worst for these zodiac signs — Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces — I don't mean to say you're guaranteed a rough ride. This full moon will touch on some sensitive aspects of life, and if you've got skeletons in your closet that need cleaning out, this lunation will surely shine a bright light on it.
Taking place Dec. 12 at 12:12 a.m. ET in the chatty, free-spirited, and changeable sign of Gemini, this full moon forms a square to Neptune. This planet is hazy, sensitive, and tends to wear rose-colored glasses that skew your idea of the truth. Emotions may not be all that rational during this time, so take your feelings with a grain of salt. Someone might be deceiving you, but here's the kicker: That person might be you.
This full moon will also likely reveal some pretty heavy-handed truths about your relationships and your love life. As Venus — planet of romance — forms a conjunction with both inhibiting Saturn and obsessive Pluto, you might feel just as fascinated as you are repelled by making a serious connection. This energy will provide your relationships with a true test, letting you know whether they can remain strong in the face of adversity.
Cancer: It's Time For You To Admit How You're Really Feeling
In order to get through your day-to-day, it's easy to brush aside your wounds and suppress your true feelings. After all, it's difficult to admit when something's wrong. However, if you keep ignoring your inner voice, it's only going to get louder and louder, and continue to feel neglected. Set aside time to embrace what your intuition is trying to tell you. You know so much more than you think you know, and there are so many questions you already have answers to. Let your heart reveal the path toward healing.
Scorpio: You May Have To Loosen That Grip And Let Go
If you've been romanticizing the past or clinging onto it, ask yourself why you're so attached. Do you honestly think things were better before? Do you truly want to go back in time and erase all the ways in which you've gown? You're almost at the end of a cycle and it's time to close the chapter on something that may have once meant a lot to you. Know that this isn't just an ending, it's also a new beginning. Think of all the things you have to look forward to once you can put the past behind you, and how free you'll feel once you lift this burden.
Pisces: You Might Endure Some Very Personal Changes
Not everyone knows what's really going on with you, nor should they. You have the right to privacy and some things must be faced without judgment from the rest of the world. What do you need in order to feel safe and secure? How have you been sacrificing your own peace of mind for the sake of keeping up? You'll burn out if you don't find time to rest and rejuvenate. However, your idea of home may be something entirely different than what you once thought. Embrace the idea that maybe, just maybe, you're embarking down a different path.
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