The Emotional Meaning Of The Wolf Moon Is About Embracing Your Unique Truth
Another day, another eclipse? Meanwhile, I'm over here still pushing through the effects of the new moon partial solar eclipse, but hey, that's just me. How's my stargazing fam holding up? It's not over until it's over, but the emotional meaning of the Wolf Moon 2019 is actually quite positive, and validating. As I've previously mentioned, eclipses are powerful moons, which means there's usually something coming to fruition, whether it be spiritually or physically. Also, just so you know, the first full moon of the year, AKA the Wolf Moon, was named after the howling wolves, and will take place at exactly 12:16 a.m. ET on Monday, Jan. 21, 2019.
Now, I'm sure you're wondering, what's the reason behind these full moon names? Well, according to Timeanddate.com, this month's full moon is referred to as the Wolf Moon; although, other names include Old Moon and Ice Moon. Also, while the almanac suggests that Wolf Moon is a Native American name, other sources claim that it has Anglo-Saxon origins. Furthermore, as per Anglo-Saxon culture, the January full moon was also called the moon after Yule, which is the name f the ancient festival celebrating the Winter Solstice. Does that answer your question?
On another note, this total lunar eclipse will be taking place just a day after we kick off Aquarius season, and in the creative sign of Leo. Most importantly, this eclipse is also the last of the Leo-Aquarius eclipse series, and just so you're aware, this is a huge deal, but I'll get into that in a minute. In the meantime, take a moment to reflect on all you've learned, accomplished, and created in regards to your individual truth, since August 2016. Granted, it's been more than two years, but that's how long we've technically been working with the Leo-Aquarius axis.
Nevertheless, here's a closer look at the Wolf Moon's emotional meaning, and why you should be celebrating:
Wolf Moon 2019: January 21, 2019
First thing's first: Full moons are a call for balance, as the sun is usually located on the opposite side of the sun. (Get it? Leo full during Aquarius season?) Now, just a reminder, Leo and Aquarius are polar opposites; however, their energies also go hand-in-hand. For instance, creative Leo represents our inner child, while Aquarius represents our collective consciousness. Now, let's take a minute to reflect on this magical eclipse journey, because I'm sure you, too, have a reason to celebrate.
Where were you on Aug. 21, 2016? (If you can't remember, take a moment to browse through your social media, and if not, no worries. Eclipse effects usually occur up to six months before, and after.) Secondly, how have you been sharing your unique gifts and creativity with the rest of the world throughout these two and a half years? The reason I ask is because this total lunar eclipse, aka Wolf Moon, is your grand finale.
The energy of Leo forced us to get in touch with our inner child, while the essence of Aquarius helped us tap into our inner rebel, and share our truth with the masses. I've said this before, but if you take a second to really think about it, you'll notice how social media (Aquarius) is now a virtual stage (Leo) for people (Aquarius) to express (Leo) themselves, fearlessly and apologetically. Nothing is coincidence, stargazers.
However, in the meantime, I have to share my eclipse story with you all because it's pretty crazy how it all worked out on its own. In August of 2016, it had been three months since I quit my job as PR executive, and became an entertainment journalist. I had just started working on my very own Facebook live "Astrollywood," where I merged astrology, and celebrity news, AKA my two loves. Today, I work write horoscopes, offer consultations, and host astrology-related events, and I've never been happier.
Long story short, I went from working a 9-to-5 job in the communications industry, to doing what I love more than anything in the whole world: astrology. Funny enough, Leo rules my 10th house of career, and Aquarius rules my fourth house of home, and soul foundation. It's been a roller coaster ride, but I wouldn't have done it any other way. Anyhoo, I'm done ranting about myself. I simply wanted to share my eclipse story with you all. With that said, I am wishing you all a beautiful Wolf Moon!