The First Photo Of The Sussex Family Is Here & It Was Well Worth The Wait
Baby Sussex only arrived just a few days ago, but the world has been waiting anxiously to catch a glimpse of him. Well, that first glimpse just hit the internet and royal family fans are swooning. The first photo of the Sussex Family was unveiled on May 8, and it is beyond sweet!
As you probably know by now, Baby Sussex was born on Monday, May 6, at Frogmore Cottage. While there was quite a lot of commotion and press coverage surrounding the birth, Harry and Meghan opted to keep the moment as private as possible. But now they’re ready to show their little bundle of joy to the world.
The first photo of the whole family was published on May 8 and shows Meghan, Harry, and Baby Sussex all looking very cute. The little one is especially adorable and, so far, he looks like the perfect combination of his parents! In the photo, Harry and Meghan look absolutely delighted that they’ve welcomed such a sweet little life into the world. And you can definitely tell just by looking at them that they’re more in love than ever.
Here they are swooning over their little guy.
And here's Baby Sussex himself!
Look at this happy little family!
You can check out the video of the photocall here.
This is obviously the first child for Harry and Meghan, so being parents is a brand new experience that they’re sharing together. By the looks of this first photo, they’re definitely getting the hang of it.
The new parents answered a couple of questions during the photocall, revealing that after that moment, Baby Sussex was off to meet his great-grandparents, aka Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. Oh, and in case you're wondering, the name still hasn't been announced.
When asked what it's like to be a new mom, Meghan answered, “It’s magic. It’s pretty amazing. I have the best two guys in the world, so I’m really happy.” Ugh, my heart. She added that Baby Sussex is sleeping well, saying he “has the sweetest temperament. He’s really calm.”
"I don’t know where he gets that from!” Harry piped in, always the first to make a chummy joke (or, should I said, dad joke?).
“He’s just been a dream,” Meghan added. “It’s been a special couple of days.”
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were then asked who they think their son takes more after. He's only three days old, though, so that's pretty hard to determine right now...
“We’re still trying to figure that out," Meghan said, turning to Harry.
“Everyone says babies change so much over two weeks. We’re basically monitoring how the changing process happens over this next month, really," Harry said. "His looks are changing every single day, so who knows?”
Harry was also asked what it's like to be a new dad. “It’s great. Parenting is amazing. It’s only been two and a half days, but we’re just so thrilled to have our own little bundle of joy," Harry said, adding that they're happy to have these “precious times with him as he slowly, slowly starts to grow up.”
Welcome to the world, Baby Sussex!