Make Sure You're Sitting Down, Because The 'GOT' Season 8 Posters Will Make You Feel Faint
The impatience for a Game of Thrones Season 8 trailer has been rising since HBO released its third "What's New In 2019!" clip show, using three seconds of new footage from the final season to hang an advert for nearly a dozen other properties. From a marketing standpoint, it's genius. (Finally, everyone else knows there's an adaptation of His Dark Materials coming and it stars Ruth Wilson!) But for fans, it's an exercise in frustration. Will there even be a trailer? While everyone waits and wonders, there's at least these Game Of Thrones Season 8 posters to help tide things over.
These posters were released into the wild this morning via Twitter, as HBO partnered with them to get an entire raft of hashtags in circulation ahead of the final season. Each hashtag corresponds to a poster released, with 20 in all, nearly as many as Avengers: Infinity War had this time last year. Everyone considered a significant player gets a shot sitting on the Iron Throne, from Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow to Melisandre and the Night King himself.
Of course they're all sitting on the Iron Throne. The callback to the original iconic image on Ned Stark is obvious.
A decade later:
Jon will have to go through Daenerys first. Love her red gloves.
Here are the rest of the surviving Stark Family. Arya is posed holding Needle, much like her father held Ice before her.
Bran has new robes and is the only Stark not wearing black or grey.
Sansa's armor looks like a piece of couture clothing, something she could walk both a red carpet and a battlement wearing.
The Lannisters were once the Stark's enemy. Now Tyrion is on their team.
Cersei is wearing color for the first time since Season 4. It's a dark red and paired with the epaulets, it feels like a grunge-like twist on the original Lannister red-and-gold.
Jaime is also is wearing red, but his colors are red and black. Has he pledged Targaryen?
Like the Lannisters, the Greyjoys now find themselves on opposite sides. Theon is a Stark man until the end.
Let's be real, Euron goes with whoever has the money.
As for the rest of the surviving members of the cast, let's start with Brienne of Tarth, Sansa and Arya's loyal second.
Speaking of those loyal to Sansa and Arya, here's The Hound.
Also on Team Stark, Sam Tarly.
Perhaps Davos should be classified as a "Jon Snow Loyalist" more than a "Stark Loyalist."
Davos' counterpart on Team Targaryen, Jorah Mormont.
She may not be as fierce as Brienne, but she's at loyal to Dany as Brienne is to Sansa: Missandei.
Next up, Missandei's lover and the Head of the Unsullied Army. Grey Worm is another Khaleesi Loyalist.
Varys is Team Daenerys Targaryen right now, but this could change once he learns who Jon Snow is.
Speaking of wildcards, Melisandre's back!
Finally, getting an official poster for the first time, the man who could take them all down, The Night King.
Game of Thrones premieres on Sunday, April 14, 2019, at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.