There's A Lunar Eclipse Coming, & It's Going To Be So Good To These 4 Signs
Looking back on the course of your life, you know everything can change in just one moment. There are the moments relationships came to an end and new ones began; the moments you experienced failure, paving the way for success down the line. These are the moments that have defined your journey, and although they feel uncomfortable at first, they were what pushed you out of your comfort zone and made you so much stronger. In astrology, these moments often coincide with an eclipse, and the June 2020 lunar eclipse will be the best for these zodiac signs. For these four signs, it may be the start of something beautiful.
However, in a sense, "best lunar eclipse" is kind of an oxymoron. More often than not, the experience is rather dark and intense, because it's through pain that you are encouraged to work harder to become your best self. Think of an eclipse as a moment of purging everything in your life currently holding you back from where you need to go. It may feel just as liberating as it does terrifying, so embrace the unknown. Wherever you are during an eclipse is exactly where you need to be.
Taking place on June 5 at 3:12 p.m. ET in expansive, spontaneous, and worldly Sagittarius, this lunar eclipse (also known as the Strawberry Moon eclipse) is about knocking down walls holding you back and opening your mind to deeper perspectives. There are things you may have judged too soon that this lunar eclipse will encourage you to take a second look at. There are attachments preventing you from embracing your independence that this lunar eclipse will force you to sever ties with.
If you were born under the influence of Aries, Leo, Libra, or Aquarius, this eclipse might just involve changes that you welcome with open arms. Here's why:
Aries: You're On The Verge Of An Exciting New Journey
Everything may feel uncertain right now, but certainty never produces an adventure. It's the unknown destination that makes the journey so exciting. You're on the precipice of an adventure, so take a look around and soak up the experience of it all. If you let it pass you by, you'll wish you had appreciated it later. This is a moment in your life you'll look back on with fondness and nostalgia. Live it to the fullest.
Leo: You're Opening Your Heart To Self-Expression
There is so much exploding inside of you. With no outlet for expressing it, however, you'll only feel overwhelmed and frustrated. All of this anxious energy is creative energy in disguise. Channel your feelings into doing something that taps into your inner artist and reconnects you with your romantic side. Don't seek perfection either, because the most satisfying creativity always takes place when you're making a mess.
Libra: You're Speaking Your Reality Into Existence
It's time to say what's on your mind and learn by listening to what other people have to say. You only have control over how you choose to speak and get your point across. Your communication techniques are what define your relationships and your thoughts eventually become your reality. Now may be the time to say what you've been so afraid to say and just accept the consequences. Your needs are more important than the ways others react to them.
Aquarius: You're Learning Who Your True Friends Are
Not everyone gets to come with you as you embrace the next phase of your life. Sometimes, a relationship is valuable only for a period of time and is not meant to last forever. It's time to learn it's OK to let go of people who no longer have a place in your future. Honor the relationship you had, but honor your growth even more. You are making space for people who will inspire you and support your transition.