Taylor Swift's 'Reputation' Actually Has A Super Deep Meaning & It'll Blow Your Mind
Who else is counting down the days until Taylor Swift’s new album, Reputation, drops? Anyone else trying to get to the bottom of what the track list, the song meanings, and who or what every lyric is about? You’re not alone. Bottom line: the meaning of Taylor Swift’s Reputation is kind of deep, if you believe some of the theories floating out there.
Any theory about the meaning behind Swift’s album could be reasonable at this point, considering we have no confirmed track list to feast our eyes upon, a handful of songs, a limited bit of lyrics, and a couple of music videos.
As always, half the fun of this is digging in and sorting it all out and then, once the album comes out, seeing if any of the theories turned out to be true.
This idea, in particular, caught my eye, and it’s got quite a lot to think about, honestly. Someone posted the theory with this tweet: “Swiftie theories are the best.” Honestly though.
The screen grab shares this notion:
Its just hit me the album is in black and white but the songs are in screaming colour because the real Taylor comes out in her songs and the media think of her in black and white but we think of her in screaming colour because we see her true self and that’s her true reputation.
That’s quite a thinker, huh?
So, let’s explore that idea a bit. The Reputation cover art is in black and white. The Instagram teasers and info she’s been posting are, by dramatic contrast, in color. While fans have been trying to figure out the logic and meaning behind the colors Swift has chosen, maybe it’s not so much about the colors, as it is the comparison to the stark black and white art on the album. “Look What You Made Me Do” was black with vibrant red lettering, “...Ready For It?” was teased in orange, and “Gorgeous” got the pink treatment on Instagram. What. Does. It. Mean?
Nothing in Swift’s world is a coincidence, so fans definitely tried to track down the meaning behind the colors. No luck, however.
While no details about the meaning behind the album have been explained, let’s look at another analysis of Reputation... one fan tweeted: “I just realized that half of her face is covered in newspapers. Meaning that the newspapers only cover on half of Taylor’s life. #Reputation.” Hmm. OK.
There was also plenty of discussion over the choker she wears, with fans wondering: “LISTEN.... IS THE CHAIN CHOKED SYMBOLIC OR AM I REACHING??? LIKE IT LOOKS LIKE ACTUAL CHAIN @taylorswift13.” Not so sure on that one.
One fan noted that maybe we’re all looking at the wrong area of the cover. Check out this idea: “People looking for hidden meaning in the Taylor Swift album cover... All I see is a reputation on the line” Um. Wow.
Another fan offered up this “two halves” kind of theory: “#reputation cover has a clear meaning , one side is what the media writes other half is the real Taylor.” Mind = blown.
How about a little comparison to album covers of the past — could this stark look with a lack of color mean something bigger? One fan tweeted: “Among all Taylor Swift's album cover, reputation is only the one in mono color which means it's a dark era. #LWYMD and #RFI MV proved it.”
And maybe there are some clues in this quote from her album cover photographer? Or not.
Let's just leave it at this: "Reputation is one of the most important things Taylor have ever made, it's not just her art and story, it's her REPUTATION!"
Reputation is out Nov. 10 and I'm sure the meaning of the album will be clear once we've all heard it. Maybe?
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