What The Super Blue Blood Moon Means For You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Full moon lunar eclipses, like the one coming up on Jan. 31, 2018, dubbed the super blue blood moon, are always considered a wild card in astrology. Its effect on your horoscope cannot be predicted, except to admit that it will be, well... unpredictable. But the meaning of the super blue blood moon for each zodiac sign is a little easier to interpret, since the purpose of eclipses is generally understood to astrologers to be a cataclysmic change that propels people forward into the next phase of their lives. In order to understand the purpose of this moon, we have to look a little more closely at the astrology of this particular moment in time, as well as the astrology that was going on six months ago.
We know, for instance, that the lunar calendar ties this blood moon to the new moon that occurred on Aug. 21, 2017. That new moon was a particularly powerful one, as it occurred in conjunction with a solar eclipse, which marked a new beginning with new opportunities to achieve things you've never achieved before. Lunar eclipses are a little more emotional. While solar eclipses mark a new beginning, the lunar eclipses mark the end of a lunar cycle, and a period of growth in our lives.
Themes Of The Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse
To find out what the meaning of this super blue blood moon eclipse for your sign in particular, you'll have to look at the house of your chart it falls in, and lucky for you, I've done it for you.
If you have little to no personal planets in these houses, you'll know it, because you won't notice any sort of effect on you from this moon. You might notice its effect on the lives of people around you, but your own feathers won't be ruffled at all.
A Quick And Final Ending
If this eclipse falls in a house where you do have personal planets, you can expect a new piece of the puzzle of your life to be put in place, signaling a quick, final ending to an old chapter.
You might feel like what you learn at eclipse time is like the rug being pulled out from underneath you. The information presented to you could be a quick and final blow to a situation you might not have even known was in jeopardy. You could lose a job you've been suppressing your hatred over for months. You could find evidence of an affair you had buried suspicion about. On the other hand, you could have been aware of this discomfort all along, and the eclipse could be the moment you've been waiting for to make your final move. In that case, you might be the catalyst for the changes you have been wanting to make, and the fear that's kept you from making those changes will somehow disappear.
Here's what you can expect to learn at eclipse time, based on the house that is affected.
Aries: Fifth House (Self-Expression)
Since this eclipse is in your fifth house of self-expression, there's a chance that you will make your true feelings known to someone close to you, or that they could do the same for you. The fifth house also rules children, so *gulp* pregnancy news could also be on the table.
Taurus: Fourth House (Domestic Life)
Now is the time to make any changes to your domestic life, which could be dissatisfying you in any number of ways — from your roommates, to your apartment decor, or the apartment you live in itself.
Gemini: Third House (Communication)
The third house rules communication, siblings, and neighborhoods, so expect a new, major upheaval in either of those areas. I wish I could be more specific, but it's likely that if you're affected by this eclipse, you already know what I'm talking about.
Cancer: Second House (Earned Income)
Look at the areas in your job where you're underperforming or haven't stepped fully into your power yet, and get ready to make your move to impress those around you with your true earning power.
Leo: First House (Physical Appearance)
This eclipse is pushing you into the spotlight as some major changes occur in your house of personal identity and physical image. Take action. Your higher self is calling you.
Virgo: Twelfth House (Spiritual Life)
With an eclipse in your twelfth house, you can expect a clear spiritual awakening about the purpose of your life. It might be clear that you have to let one thing go in order to serve that purpose, but it will be worth it.
Libra: Eleventh House (Hopes, Dreams, And Friendships)
An affiliation with a group of people, or one friendship in particular, no longer serves your higher purpose. You'll finally be ready to move on from it, and you can feel confident in that decision.
Scorpio: Tenth House (Career, Public Image)
If you're unhappy in your job, you might feel as though this eclipse brings you to a place of willingness to let go. Even if you feel the security is good, it's better to go after what excites you. Something better lies ahead.
Sagittarius: Ninth House (Philosophical Beliefs)
A new trip or a project that involves a huge leap of faith is now weighing heavily on you; don't waste time procrastinating. Take your ideas and broadcast them to the world.
Capricorn: Eighth House (Psychological Transformation)
This eclipse is transforming your approach to finances, money, and your work-life balance. You can expect a sudden moment of insightful clarity around this time. Follow your gut.
Aquarius: Seventh House (Partnerships)
It's time to balance your desires with the desires of people around you. This eclipse brings a huge change in the area of relationships, either by making one official or by ending it suddenly.
Pisces: Sixth House (Daily Responsibilities)
Your self-worth is about to go through the roof, though sacrifices need to be made in the areas of either your health, daily work, and lifestyle. You're done settling for less.