The New Hobby You Should Pick Up This Summer, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
The year 2020 has probably been a lot different than what you expected it to be. When you wrote down your resolutions back in January, you likely didn't think you'd be learning how to bake bread, hosting virtual parties for your friends, or spending a majority of your time at home. But, this extended period of time at home allows you to delve into projects you may have put on the back-burner, and try new things. The new hobby to pick up in summer 2020, in particular, is based on your zodiac sign and will add another exciting aspect to your year.
This hobby won't just keep you busy for months on end. It may also be a welcoming addition to your life. It may help you realize your passions or develop skills you can use in your personal or professional life. It may also let you make some money on the side or connect with people who have really similar interests to you.
Of course, to get the most out of these hobbies, you need to be open to them. You need to say "yes" to the new ingredients you may try in the kitchen. You must also realize that a new hobby is not about perfection, it's about pleasure. So without further ado, here's the new hobby you should embrace this summer, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries: Skateboarding
Speeding down ramps and around the bowls at the skate park can be a challenge and a rush. An Aries, like you, will certainly be up to the task and probably conquer rad tricks by the time summer comes to a close. Just be sure to wear a helmet, knee pads, and clothes you don't mind getting dirty to your lessons.
Taurus: Sewing
Working with your hands is your forte, Taurus. It's the reason why you've always succeeded at gardening, cooking, and every form of art. Now, it's time to shift your focus to sewing. Rent or buy a sewing machine, and try your hand at making a quilt out of your old T-shirts or a pair of shorts from a pattern.
Gemini: Scrapbooking
You have a lot of people in your life you care about, Gemini. It probably comes to no surprise to you, but you've made a ton of memories with them, too. Take this summer to print out any of the pictures you frequently look back on and jot down all of the inside jokes you've come up with in a cute scrapbook. Don't be afraid to walk down Nostalgia Lane.
Cancer: Journaling
Writing can be a really great way to process your thoughts, Cancer. For someone with a creative imagination, journaling may be the best hobby for this summer. Purchase a gratitude journal that guides you through a routine every morning, or a blank one where you can draw or toss pictures into. Let your creativity shine with this hobby.
Leo: Meditating
You're typically a ball of energy and a social butterfly, Leo. But this summer, you should focus your energy onto yourself and practice meditation. Upcoming adventures — whether they be a road trip or a virtual excursion taken at home — will be sweeter after five minutes of mindfulness every morning.
Virgo: Grilling
You're in your best moods, Virgo, when you feel connected to the Earth. Grilling will be your new favorite thing this summer because it'll refocus your mind and give you a very outdoorsy way to make food. It'll also make your mouth water, so be prepared.
Libra: Embroidery
Any hobby that's peaceful is right up your alley, Libra. Embroidery may have its frustrating moments, such as when you can't get the little string to make a knot. But, you'll love crafting an item you can showcase in your home forever.
Scorpio: Reading
There are millions of books in this world, Scorpio. If you start reading more this summer, you'll find this hobby really speaks to your soul. It allows you to dive into other times and places, and get emotionally attached to characters on the reg. Start a book club with your BFFs if you want to take your new hobby to the next level, OK?
Sagittarius: Filmmaking
Odds are, you've gotten pretty decent at photography over the years, Sagittarius. Your trips and travels have likely taught you how to use a camera and edit your photos so they stand out on Instagram. Take your skills to the next level and get into video editing and filmmaking this summer. Teach yourself how to use Adobe Premiere, using classes and tutorials on YouTube. (Peter McKinnon has a tutorial for just about anything.)
Capricorn: Baking
The universe know what you're thinking, Capricorn: Baking is so first-stage-of-quarantine. But, it's time to revisit your bags of flour, sourdough starters, and recipe books. It's time to get back into the kitchen and see what other treats you can whip up, and then share with your family and friends.
Aquarius: Kayaking
Getting outside is going to be essential for you and your fellow air signs this summer, Aquarius. There will be no better way to experience and explore the outdoors than kayaking. This sport turned hobby will let you get a workout in, all while you find new nooks and crannies of your state.
Pisces: Playing Guitar
There's not a moment in the day when you're not listening to music, Pisces. It makes perfect sense that you should learn how to play guitar this summer. Spend time learning the basic chords and techniques that'll help you play your favorite songs. Then, put on a virtual concert for your friends to show off your new hobby and skill.
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