The New Hobby You Should Try, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
The current state of the world requires you to spend as much time at home as possible. Unfortunately, this probably means your daily routine is being totally interrupted, and if you'd much rather be out and about, this new way of life might be extremely frustrating. Luckily, social distancing doesn't have to be a total bummer, especially when you take up the new hobby you should try, based on your zodiac sign.
There's no telling how long all this chaos is going to last, but at the very least, this is a great time to finally take up all those projects you never had time for in the past. Even though you probably miss the good old days of eating at restaurants, going to bars with your friends, heading to your neighborhood gym, and throwing parties, there's no reason you can't have a party all by yourself.
Every sign in the zodiac has plenty of things they're already interested in. Why not use this period of social distancing to try something outside of your zodiac sign's wheelhouse? After all, the sun enters Aries on March 19 and Aries is all about getting motivated and staying active. Even though you're being encouraged to stay home, you can most definitely make use of the time. Here are a few suggestions as to how you can do that:
Aries: Hair & Makeup Tutorials
You may be feeling inspired to shake up your personal look, so hop onto YouTube and start learning how to apply new makeup techniques and hairstyles. Just because you don't have an event to attend doesn't mean you can't get dolled up. Spend this time beautifying yourself.
Taurus: Yoga & Meditation
Get in touch with your spirituality and align those chakras of yours. You'd benefit so much from developing a daily yoga and meditation practice. The stress from adapting to this new lifestyle at home demands that you slow down, take a few deep breaths, and clear your head.
Gemini: Throw Online Parties
Staying home all by yourself can definitely get lonely, which is why you should think of creative ways to spice up your social life. Why not throw a few online parties? Come up with fun games to play and interesting conversations to have as you get a group FaceTime chat going.
Cancer: Revamp Your Social Media
You may be setting your career goals aside to weather the storm, but that doesn't mean you can't get your name out there while you stay home. This is a great time to update your social media profiles and create content that helps you connect with other likeminded people.
Leo: Scrapbook Your Trips
You might have had to postpone your spring break vacation plans, which is definitely heartbreaking. At least you can relive all the trips you've taken in the past. Spend your time making scrapbooks of all your favorite travels. You may not be able to travel, but at least you can travel back in time.
Virgo: Spice Up Your Sex Life
Whether you're stuck at home with your SO or your favorite vibrator, there's no better time than now to try out all those exciting sexual positions and techniques. As long as you're taking proper precautions when it comes to having sex during an outbreak, you might as well make use of that bed, because you're going to be spending a lot more time in it.
Libra: Board Games & Video Games
You're feeling competitive and social, so why not get into gamer mode? You could play board games with your roommates, or break out your gaming console and play games against people online. By the time this period of social distancing is over, you'll be a downright expert at scoring points.
Scorpio: Clean & Organize
Tap into your inner Marie Kondo and spend this time cleaning and reorganizing. Even if you're pretty organized as it is, there are probably a few dusty corners that could use a good sprucing. Make it fun by blasting music or turning on a podcast. You deserve a clean space to hang out in.
Sagittarius: Artistic Projects
You finally have all the time in the world to tap into your inner creativity. Bust out those paints and brushes. Start writing that poem. Begin that craft project you've been putting off since forever. Add some color to an otherwise difficult situation by expressing yourself artistically.
Capricorn: Cook Yummy Meals
Why not spend this time getting super creative about what you eat and start cooking really interesting (and tasty) things? Cooking isn't just a means to an end. The culinary arts are, in fact, an art. Have some fun in the kitchen and bring the restaurant right into your very own home.
Aquarius: Journal Your Thoughts
The benefits of journaling are truly limitless. It helps you concoct fresh ideas, solve problems, and get to know yourself on a deeper level. It's also a way to release all your repressed emotions. Forming a daily journaling habit is far from easy, but now's your chance to put pen to paper.
Pisces: DIY Projects
Instead of going out and buying an item or a service, why not try out a DIY project that gets the job done? Not only is it an opportunity to show off your creative chops, but it's also a chance to prove just how self-sufficient and resourceful you can be with what you already have at home.
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