12 Of The Only Things You Should Ever Chase In Your Life, Because They Truly Matter
Take a deep breath, lace up a pair of sneakers, and then, let's go. Truth is, you might be wasting a lot of your time and energy on the wrong things. You spend your mornings trying to capture the perfect picture for social media, and your afternoons racing to your next meeting. By now, you must be exhausted, and are looking to change something in your life ASAP. First thing's first: Let's reconsider your priorities. The only things you should chase in your life are pizza and pups, right? Well, yes — but there are a few other things that are worth your while, too.
Personally, I'm not a huge fan of running. I love putting together workout playlists, and even hitting the gym. But, you'll rarely catch me sprinting for the fun of it, or seeking out a recreational soccer team to join. I'm the most athletic one in the bunch when it comes to chasing my passions or the next plane, though. That's a different kind of fitness, with sometimes a more challenging path to the finish line.
I've found that it's easy to get caught up in nonsense and distracted by the drama of life. You'll fall down while going after someone else's goals, or give everything to a love story that just wasn't meant to be. Please don't waste your time and energy on what never deserved it in the first place. Put your focus on what really matters, and start chasing these 12 things in your life.
Chase whatever makes you happy in this world. Maybe you love traveling, or just snuggling up on your couch and watching endless episodes of New Girl. You get excited about freshly picked sunflowers, and the smell of coffee in the morning. Surround yourself with these things as much as possible, and you'll live a meaningful life. Remember: You create your own happiness. It doesn't just fall in your lap.
02True Love
True love exists, and when you find it, it's time to run like the wind. You'll learn a lot of lessons about love from your first relationship, and all of those awkward dates where you ended up in the bathroom on the phone with your best friend. You might kiss a bunch of frogs and stop believing in fairy tales. One day, though, you'll be swept off your feet, and falling head over heels for your own Prince Charming (or Jim Halpert). Don't settle for anything less, OK?
03Your Dreams
Following your dreams is a must, and now more than ever you have to turn your passions into a paycheck. You may need to work a nine to five job for a bit. (Life can be expensive, and you can't ignore that rent check!) But, chase your side hustle much as you can. Make connections, work on the weekends, and take chances. It'll be worth it when you're doing what you love, every single day.
04New Opportunities
When one door closes, another one opens. That's just the way life goes. You may be offered a job that takes you to the West Coast, or go through some heartbreak just to find someone who's perfect for you. In those moments, chase after the new opportunity, and don't be afraid of the unknown. There's no way to know exactly how it will work out, but that's part of the adventure. Am I right?
05New Friendships
Life always feels full when you're surrounded by amazing friends. For now, you've stuck to your usual girl gang. They're the ones who have been around since day one, and will always be such an important part of your life. But, don't be afraid to chase after new best friends. You may get close to a girl at work, and bond over hilarious memes. She'll be your MVP when you need coffee on a Monday morning, or someone to hang with on a Friday night.
06Alone Time
Spending time alone is key. You learn a lot about yourself in the process. Right now, your planner is probably packed with commitments and activities. You have meetings back-to-back at work, or study sessions lined up all weekend.
Learn to chase after the times spent in solitude. Sometimes, peace and quiet can be refreshing, and remind you of what really matters in life. What are your priorities? Are you doing this for you or someone else? Ask yourself those questions, too.
Wherever you go, chase after the sunshine. Life can be dull sometimes, and you may find yourself in a funk. During those times, I've found that nothing cures me like some sun.
Get outside, breathe in the fresh air, and look toward the sky. Maybe you'll hit the beach if the weather is warm, or throw on a pair of sunnies on a bright winter day. Either way, your mood will be drastically different, and you'll feel like you can take on the world.
08Planes, Cars, And Trains
Following your wanderlust is always a good idea. In fact, chase it and be on a different continent as much as possible. One weekend, you may take a road trip with your besties, and the next, you'll hop on a train to a new city. Personally, I'd highly recommend spending a semester abroad, and making once-in-a-lifetime memories. You'll find that travel prepares you for the real world, and you'll become who you're supposed to be. All it takes is a passport and some solid packing skills.
Chase that feeling of courage in your life, because it doesn't always come around. Sometimes, you really let your fears get in the way. You forget that you're capable of turning your dreams into a reality and taking that leap of faith. But, other times, you get a little spark in your soul. Truth is, you'll never feel entirely ready. So, take those moments of courage and run with them. That's the only way you'll get to where you want to go.
10Your Fears
Facing your fears can feel scary, but it will be so rewarding in the long-run. Now, I'm not suggesting that you should befriend a bunch of spiders. But if you're afraid to say, "I love you," or dancing in public, then please give yourself a try. These kind of fears are healthy to chase, because they're not harmful. You'll grow as a person, and will be more ready to take on the next adventure. What are you waiting for?
11Tough Conversations
There are going to be conversations in your life that you'll wish you didn't have to have. You're going to want to run in the other direction when you and your best friend are having your first fight, or may choose to grin and bear it. In those moments, chase after what feels tough and uncomfortable, because it will likely lead to a better outcome.
Now, you don't want to cause unnecessary drama. But, if there's a situation that needs to be solved, then face it head-on. Be respectful and understanding, while speaking your mind.
12What Makes You Feel Alive
Chase after the things that make you feel alive. This may be your passions, the people in your life who constantly inspire you, or the music that makes you want to dance. These things make you love your life, and realize that living is always better than simply existing. Right now, you're settling for drama and nonsense that's just weighing you down. But, it doesn't always have to be that way. Focus your time and energy on the things in life that truly matter.