The Partial Solar Eclipse Will Affect Your Love Life, But Here's How It Could Solidify It
There's a new year upon us, and there's plenty of cosmic action to go around. Once January kicks off, we are greeted with Mercury in Capricorn, and an eclipse in the same sign the following day. In case you're wondering, the partial solar eclipse 2019 might affect your love life, but it's not as bad as you think. On the contrary, the energy of Capricorn might seem incredibly stern and ruthless, but it's also traditional, and righteous nonetheless. Besides, we can't forget the most important part, and it's that the universe is forever on our side, despite the overwhelming challenges or hardships.
Granted, eclipses bring significant change, considering they tend to shake up our entire world. However, without this cosmic push, the majority of us would stay stagnant in our ways, and you know I'm right. Change is inevitable, and in the end, these powerful lunations are instrumental to our spiritual growth, so instead of panicking unnecessarily, let's open our minds and hearts to the new beginnings headed our way. Remember, you are exactly where you need to be, and there's something so much greater watching over us all. Let go, let god, and surrender to the journey of self-discovery.
For the record, I'm not oblivious to how intimidating eclipses can be. I, too, have panicked before, and at times, still wonder WTF could happen next. I am human, and unexpected change is never easy. However, this is why I remind you (and myself) to avoid stressing the worst case scenarios, and simply let it be. In fact, let's set the intention of being more present, and mindful, in our day-to-day lives. In typical Capricorn fashion, let's live in the here and now, and focus on our future goals. OK, I'm done telling you what to do, I promise.
Moreover, here's a closer look at the partial solar eclipse:
New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse In Capricorn: Jan. 5, 2019
First thing's first: a solar eclipse occurs when the moon stands between the sun and the earth, blocking the sun’s light. In that moment of complete darkness, you're called to move forward into the unknown. Furthermore, a solar eclipse is known to bring new beginnings, while the lunar eclipse tends to bring endings, and final culminations.
This new moon partial solar eclipse is the first of 2019, and it will take place in the pragmatic sign of Capricorn. Now, keep in mind, this is the second of the Cancer-Capricorn eclipse series, as the first took place on July 12. So, on that note, ask yourself the following, both personally and in regards to your current relationships:
- How have I been nurturing myself in the past six months?
- What have I learned about my emotional needs since July?
- Have I been practicing self-care? If so, do you see a difference?
Capricorn is the sign of authority, structure, and self-mastery; therefore, this energy is asking us to focus, act responsibly, and set healthy boundaries for ourselves. In addition to that, it's asking us to be realistic with ourselves, and with our long-term goals. So, before you set intentions, here's something else to reflect on:
- Do I struggle with my current reality?
- Am I doing everything it takes to achieve my goals?
- Am I being realistic with my time?
Saturn, Capricorn's planetary ruler, is conjunct this eclipse, meaning it will be sitting together with the sun and moon. However, Pluto, (transformation) Neptune, (dreams) and the South Node (karma) are also key players in this powerful lunation.
P.S. This energy is great for setting long-term goals, but rest assured, you will not see immediate results. Remember, Capricorn prefers quality over quantity, and in Miley Cyrus' words, "it's the climb."
How Will This Eclipse Affect Your Current Relationships?
Now, taking everything I mentioned above into consideration, we know Capricorn is everything but emotionally driven — let alone lovey dovey. This cardinal earth sign wants results, stability, and a solid foundation. Meaning, for those of you who are in relationships that are on the rocks, this might be the eclipse that breaks the camels back, if you know what I mean. However, for those of you in healthy relationships with a more realistic approach, this eclipse might very well take things to the next level. I'm not going to lie, I hear wedding bells for some of you.
Granted, I said you had nothing to worry about, and that it wouldn't be as bad as you think, right? Well, I don't take that back, and I'm speaking to those of you who are currently struggling within your relationship. What seems like the end of the world right now, might be the best thing you never did. With that being said, I suggest the following:
- Be realistic with your current situation.
- Give yourself a timeline.
- Reflect on whether or not you see yourself in this relationship long-term.
Wishing you all a blessed eclipse journey.