The Poem That Will Help You Through Anything, According To Your Zodiac Sign
Ah, poetry. Where do I even begin? Poetry has taught me how to fall in love. It has showed me how to heal from my wounds. It has been a friend when I had none. It has transported me to other universes. It has saved my life, countless times. By reading the poem that will help you through anything, according to your zodiac sign, you'll know exactly what I mean.
As a voracious reader (and a poet myself), I spend the majority of my days reading everything from novels to twitter threads. However, nothing compares to the experience of living through poetry. Note that I used the word "living," instead of "reading," because poetry is so much more than literature, at least to me. It's a spiritual experience, full of infinite meaning, personal relevance, and the culmination of one's soul. Without the reader, a poem is incomplete. It needs you in order to be brought to life, and a poem is never the same experience twice. It changes shape between readers, morphs into something different upon a second reading. A poem is a living, breathing thing, and it has always been there for me.
I'm a believer that astrology, in and of itself, is a study of the way our planets write poetry upon our souls when we're born. According to the zodiac, we're all walking poetry, and to get to know each other is to read one poem after another. I digress; I could go on forever. However, there is a poem here I believe will resonate with you, for your zodiac sign says so much about what's written within.
Aries: "Lachesism" by Brittany Leitner
"And, then, all at once,
The erotic thought that
we’ve killed a
Written by my editor (who happens to be an Aries herself), this poem radiates the raw, fierce intensity of the way an Aries falls madly in love. They don't care how much destruction or mayhem love could create. In fact, causing a storm would be the biggest turn on, especially to the most daring sign of all the zodiac.
Taurus: "Holiday As A Chingona" by Yesika Salgado
"I fight the world every day
and I'll do it at home if I have to
but I will choose softness
if no one bares their claws or teeth at me first"
Yesika Salgado captures the internal battle that a Taurus experiences daily. Wanting to keep the peace in their home life while the bull of justice rages behind their eyes, they don't enjoy having to expose their sharpness. However, they will if they have to. This poem serves as a warning to those who don't understand that.
Gemini: "Honey" by Roya Backlund
"It makes me forget about the hive in my voice
humming, fully-charged, holding onto its power.
Please call me 'Honey' one more time
so I can take a hammer to my throat
and unleash the stingers."
Written by me, also a Gemini, I know that communication and the freedom to express oneself is of deep importance to this air sign. Here, I write about the many words often lingering at the back of our throats, begging to be released. In a world where women are taught to be quiet, being a Gemini is inherently the greatest rebellion.
Cancer: "Little Matchstick Girl" by Trista Mateer
"Like one moment I am whole,
but then I hear your voice on the phone
and I swear to god
three blocks away from here
they can smell smoke."
A Cancer never truly falls out of love. It's lucky their hearts are so vast and capable of anything, for a piece of their heart always remains with those they've loved. It's a heavy burden, one that Trista Mateer understands, for to even hear their lover's voice on the phone causes the most beautiful pain to blossom within a Cancer.
Leo: "Lana Del Rey Walks Through Airport Security" by Megan Falley
"Most girls leave footsteps behind them. Lana leaves a trail of flopping tongues. She picks one up, autographs it, throws it over her shoulder and walks to our gate. We’re late, of course, but the plane waits for her like a high school boy might—outside her window, his pockets full of rocks."
Megan Falley (also a Leo), constructs the ultimate Leo fantasy here. Reimagining Lana Del Rey as a character in her imagination, she portrays her as an almost mythical creature that inspires awe wherever she goes. Even walking through airport security leaves everyone drooling over her. This is the daydream a Leo would love to escape into.
Virgo: "You'll Find a Girl" by Fortesa Latifi
"I think you’ll find a girl who exhales answers instead of a never-ending stream of questions, one whose hands aren’t always ink-stained, one whose heart doesn’t live in her throat"
When a Virgo's mind never stops racing with thoughts and questions, they may find themselves wondering if life would be easier if they did not have these thoughts at all. Here, Fortesa Latifi dissects the whirlwind that is the internal world of a Virgo; a whirlwind most people have no clue about, for they keep it well hidden.
Libra: "40 love letters" by Jeannan Verlee
"Dear Ryan,
I love you, simple.
Sex under the streetlight was
a delicious accident."
A major theme in a Libra's world is love and partnership. Here, Jeannan Verlee describes many various attempts at forging a partnership with several different lovers. However, there's one lover that she'll never be able to forget about, and it haunts her in a way only a Libra would completely understand.
Scorpio: "Unrequited Love Poem" by Sierra DeMulder
At home, you will picture her across town
pressing her fingers into his back
like wet cement. You will wonder
if she looks like you, if you are two bedrooms
in the same house. Did he fall for her features
like rearranged furniture? When he kisses her,
does she taste like wet paint?
When a Scorpio falls in love, the thought that they could go on existing without each other terrifies them to their core. Sierra DeMulder describes a heartbroken Scorpio's fear: that their ex will eventually find someone else to be with. A Scorpio's love is almost permanent in its depth, and through this poem, the water sign will feel completely seen.
Sagittarius: "how to disappear in the modern age" by Lora Mathis
"if people know too much about where you live
spread falsified stories about yourself
let the memory of you become a muddy legend.
move where no one knows you
spin your ideal self with manufactured stories told to your new neighbors"
A Sagittarian soul is forever daydreaming about adventure and escape. To them, life is not a means to an end. It's a journey. Here, Lora Mathis delves into a fantasy that a Sagittarius has likely envisioned countless times: The fantasy of having complete and utter freedom to be whoever they want to be; the fantasy of having nothing tied to their name.
Capricorn: "In the Movie of My Life I Sometimes Imagine" by Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz
Sometimes I imagine the music playing over
the opening credits. Is it happy? Is it sad?
Does it make any difference at all?"
To be a Capricorn is to feel forever pressured into finding purpose and achievement in their lives. Here, Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz delves into what a Capricorn often wonders about: Whether their life will ending up meaning anything at all. In the end, "success" is shown to be an abstract concept that can easily unravel with too much thought.
Aquarius: "Ugly" by Warsan Shire
"Your daughter's face is a small riot,
her hands are a civil war,
a refugee camp behind each ear,
a body littered with ugly things
but God, doesn't she wear
the world well."
An Aquarius is born a warrior for humanity. Creating a better world for others is their driving force. Like many poems by Warsan Shire, "Ugly" delves deep into the consequences that our planet's pain and suffering has for innocent victims, namely children. This poem will only stoke the fire of an Aquarian soul's mission.
Pisces: "Willamette" by Clementine von Radics
"but even in my dreams
I did not follow you. I am devoted
to the church of my own survival.
I am the girl who does not grieve
a bloodless loss.
I lose a whole river
and stay standing."
Dreaming and imagining are central to Piscean existence. Clementine von Radics displays the way the heart of a Pisces processes grief. Known for their bottomless pit of emotion, you'd think that they'd have to stop "feeling" eventually. Here, she captures the way they could actually go on feeling forever.