The Republican Party Made The Most Hilarious Twitter Faux-Pas You'll Ever See
Let's admit it, the internet can be a tricky thing to navigate at times, but it looks like a certain political party had a particularly hard time today. According to The Hill, the RNC linked to a porn account instead of a state GOP account in the most epic Twitter faux-pas yet. Welcome to Monday, everyone.
On Aug. 6, The Hill reported that The Republican National Committee (RNC) apparently used the wrong Twitter handle for the Maryland Republican Party and linked to a porn account instead. Elite Daily reached out to the Republican National Committee for comment about the Twitter mistake, but did not immediately hear back.
The GOP's website initially listed Maryland's Republican Party as @mdreps, but it turns out that handle actually belongs to provocative Twitter account "Sexy Car Babes." The mistake has since been corrected, but I for one haven't stopped laughing. On Aug. 6, Maryland Republican Party executive director Patrick O'Keefe told The Hill that they had changed their Twitter handle to @mdgop in January, but hadn't shared that information with the RNC. So, it was apparently an honest mistake, but wow what a mistake it was.
“We did not [tell them]. We updated it on our website and all our entities then though,” O'Keefe said. “Not notifying the RNC back in February was just an oversight."
Oh 2018, will you ever stop playing these games?
According to The Hill, once the Maryland Republicans made the Twitter handle switch, O'Keefe emailed Twitter to ask that the handle be frozen so others couldn't pick it up — but that never happened. Elite Daily reached out to Twitter for comment on the issue, but did not immediately hear back.
Believe it or not, this isn't the first time a mistake of this magnitude has happened to members of the political party. In September 2017, a Twitter user was mindlessly scrolling through Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's account, and discovered that the former presidential candidate had liked a porn tweet on his official account. No, I'm not kidding. I wish I was, but I'm not.
Naturally Twitter had a lot to say about this discovery, but for the first few days Cruz remained silent on the topic. Eventually, on Sep. 13, 2017 Ted Cruz addressed the infamous porn tweet, and told CNN's Dana Bash that it was a "screw-up" since a staffer "accidentally hit the wrong button." He said,
Look, it was — we had a staffer who accidentally hit the wrong button and it was a screw-up. I will say Twitter went crazy with it. It became trending. As soon as we found out about it, we pulled it down. And it's generated a lot of amusement.
Cruz is absolutely right that it was a hilarious moment for most of Twitter. In fact, it led to many inappropriate jokes that I'm still chuckling about.
Witnessing all the chaos that ensued from Ted Cruz's mistake, one would assume that the RNC would be extra careful with their Twitter use. Sure, mistakes happen, but this particular faux-pas is going to be a hard one to forget... pun intended.