The 'Stranger Things' Season 3 Promo Reveals Eleven's New Look
It has been nearly 16 months since Netflix last took fans to Hawkins, Indiana and the world of Stranger Things. It will be several more months yet until Season 3 finally arrives this summer. However, this doesn't mean the streaming service wants anyone to forget the next season is coming. The extra long break has seen the release of a tie in book, as well as "Stranger Things Day" to celebrate. Now, new merchandise celebrating the upcoming season have arrived via the New York Toy Fair, and this piece of Stranger Things Season 3 promo artwork has fans excited for what 1985 will bring.
It will be nearly two years since fans last saw Hawkins by the time the show returns, but the new season will pick up barely six months after the events of Season 2. The final episode closed on the Snow Ball just before Christmas of 1984. The show picks back up again during the summer break of 1985, coinciding with the opening of the Starcourt Mall.
The series' two teasers have made a big deal out of the Starcourt Mall. The first promo focused exclusively on Hawkins' trendy new location, the second teaser, which was a date announcement, noted the owners of Starcourt sponsored the New Year's Rockin' Eve broadcast (starring Dick Clark).
So far the most critical location in the Starcourt Mall is "Scoops Ahoy!" the ice cream parlor where the now-graduated Steve has taken a job slinging dairy alongside newcomer Robin, played by Maya Hawke.
At the New York Toy Fair this past weekend, Netflix put out a promotional item tying into Steve's job, a "Scoops Ahoy Beverage Boat." This item may also double as a hat if one is so inclined to wear soda on their head.
Personally, I'm not a fan of iced drinks as a fashion statement. However, I am really into Eleven's new hairdo.
Eleven isn't the only one who's updating with the times, but considering how much farther she had to go to catch up with the current era, her shift is far more dramatic. Last season, Chief Hopper had her styled in a 1974 type look, before she got a citified punk rock makeover. From the looks of it, Eleven — or should we call her Jane? — has grown out the curly mop top, and now sports a trendy wavy 'do, reminiscent of Molly Ringwald during her heyday. (Sixteen Candles came out in 1984, The Breakfast Club hit theaters in 1985, followed by Pretty In Pink in 1986.)
Eleven isn't the only one looking a little more fashionable. Max also has shortened her ginger mane by a few inches and smoothed it out. It seems a little more styled than last year.
Notably, the boys haven't changed up their hair, at least not as part of the promo art. (Poor Will Byers, still with the bowl cut.) I'm slightly disappointed. I was hoping Dustin would go full mullet this season. Perhaps viewers will be so lucky come Stranger Things Season 4 in 1986.
Stranger Things 3 is due to arrive on Netflix with eight episodes on July 4, 2019.