A New Survey Revealed The Top Fitness Trends For 2019, So Start Planning Your Goals
New year, new goals. Every Jan. 1, you have the opportunity to shed the old things that don't serve you and ring in a nice dose of new, growth promoting change. If you're someone who's all about taking advantage of that fresh, clean slate that arrives each January, you'll probably be interested to know all about the top fitness trends for 2019, and lucky for you, a new survey has revealed some of the biggest ones to watch out for.
The annual survey, which has been published in the November issue of the ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, an official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, included responses from over 2,000 health and fitness experts around the globe, according to ScienceDaily.
From personal trainers to cool tech gear, there are quite a few awesome fitness trends coming in hot for 2019. "While no one can accurately predict the future of any industry, this survey helps to track trends," Walter Thompson, PhD, FACSM, of Georgia State University, Atlanta, and Immediate Past-President of ACSM, said in a statement, as per ScienceDaily. "The survey was designed to confirm or to introduce new trends (not fads) that have a perceived positive impact on the industry according to the international respondent."
Here are a few highlights from the survey to help inspire some of your goals for 2019. After all, the new year will be here before you know it.
Wearable Tech Will Be Huge — Duh
Wearable tech, like smartwatches and fitness trackers, boasted the number one spot in the ACSM's survey — but are you really that surprised? Even Prince Harry wears one of these wearable, activity tracker things now, like come on.
Get yourself a Fitbit, or consider purchasing a more affordable activity tracker to help you reach your fitness goals all year round.
Group Workout Classes Will Continue To Slay
If you have yet to try a group workout class, I'd say it's high time you do so, my friend. According to the ACSM's survey, these types of workouts will definitely be trendy in 2019, and as a yoga teacher myself, I am so about that.
Not sure where to turn with the huge array of classes at your fingertips? Consider trying out DanceBody to shake your stuff, dance your heart out, and get a killer workout in. The dance inspired fitness delivers a fun, effective, and athletic workout for dancers and non-dancers alike, and the classes include both high intensity dance cardio, as well as strengthening exercises for an awesome full-body workout.
Consider Working With A Personal Trainer In The New Year
As per ScienceDaily's press release on the ACSM's survey, fitness professionals are expecting "a growing emphasis on employing certified fitness professionals" in 2019. And look, I know the idea of working with a personal trainer (especially if you've never done so before) can seem kind of daunting or intimidating, but if you're interested in giving it a try, there's no better way to find someone than through Super Fit Hero's Body Positive Fitness Finder.
The platform helps you find a trainer who's inclusive, supportive, and 100 percent body positive. In other words, say goodbye to the BS of toxic fitness culture in 2019 — we're leaving that ish behind, people.
HIIT It Hard In 2019, Girl
Short, yet challenging workouts are the name of the game in 2019, according to the ACSM's fitness trends survey — and, I mean, what's not to love about that?
According to Ron Moodey, a fitness general manager and master trainer at TRIBE Fitness, quick workouts definitely have their place in a healthy, balanced fitness routine. "Short workouts have great value, and can be done several times throughout a day, or can be a great way to utilize 10 to 20 minutes of time, rather than wait for 60-minute blocks that may never happen," he tells Elite Daily over email.
Try a few quick, high intensity interval training workouts to feel the burn and save some time in the new year.
Roll Out Your Mat And Flow Every Damn Day In 2019
My little yogis, your favorite pastime is trending in preparation of the new year, so get ready to have some new pals joining you alongside your mat in your favorite class.
If you're someone who's more inclined to get your flow on at home, download some yoga apps to support your practice whenever and wherever you go.