Are You A "Taylor Swift-Steve Buscemi"? This Twitter Trend Will Find Your Celeb Mash-Up
Listen, I know how babies are made, so please, spare me the scientific explanation. But, what if you were the product of two celebrities that share your birthday? One Twitter user came up with that exact theory, and while it's an absolutely ridiculous concept to think about, the responses have been straight-up hilarious. So if you want to imagine yourself as a really random combination of famous people, make sure to peruse the tweets about being a mash-up of your celebrity birthday twins. This is — without a doubt — about to be my favorite new icebreaker.
Twitter user @LouisPeitzman is the genius behind said theory, which he came up with earlier this week, on Monday, Sept. 2. Don't get me wrong — it's an absolutely absurd idea in every way imaginable. However, I totally have to give him credit. The concept gets your gears grinding, enabling you to come up with some straight-up wild duos.
In the original tweet, Peitzman revealed that his celebrity birthday twin combination, which you find by making a mash-up of two celebs who share your birthday, is none other than Avril Lavigne and Gwyneth Paltrow, two of my favorite ladies. Honestly, I can't think of a better celebrity dream team, and before we move forward, you should definitely check out the original tweet below. Hopefully it will give you a feel for how this is gonna go.
Got it? OK, great! So, like I said, the Twitterverse came in clutch and decided to respond with their celebrity birthday twin mash-ups... and if you ask me, the results are truly golden. Between Steve Buscemi-Taylor Swift, Leonardo Da Vinci-Emma Watson, and, of course, Winona Ryder-Bob Ross, which, TBH, seems like a personality combo I wouldn't be mad about — I bet Ross could mellow out Joyce from Stranger Things, and, of course, she'd bring some sparkle to his paintings with her Christmas lights. There are so many beautiful celebrity birthday twin combinations that you probably would have never imagined as your parents and creators.
So, if you haven't already browsed the results of this wild theory, make sure to do so, below. Oh, and you can thank me later, because this is peak internet comedy.
Wow, there are some really wild combinations out here. Nicolas Cage and Blue Ivy? Astounding. Cardi B and Daryl Hall? Truly unimaginable. Some of these duos are incredible. I have been truly wow-ed by the internet today.
There are so many ridiculous ways to characterize your birthday — while coming up with a celebrity twin birthday mash-up is absolutely genius, you could also think about it in terms of different ice cream flavors. Whole Foods assigned each zodiac a different ice cream flavor, and honestly, it's just another wild way to think about your birthday month. Cookie Dough season forever, y'all.
So, whether you're more of a Khloé Kardashian-Toby McGuire, or a Mark Zuckerberg-Miranda Cosgrove, there are so many possibilities for your celebrity birthday twin mash-up. To find out, just hit up Google with your birthday, and bam! The possibilities are endless. While this theory is — well — definitely unrealistic and totally false in every single way, it's seriously comical, and makes for a great conversation-starter. TBH, I want to know who all of my friends' celebrity birthday twins are now. Who knows? You might discover a thing or two about yourself.