Fans Are Sending Yeonjun Love On Twitter After He Missed TXT's MGMA Performance
The M2 x Genie Awards are currently going down in South Korea. TXT fans were pumped to see BTS' sibling K-Pop group, TXT, perform, but one member of the group, unfortunately, couldn't be there. The tweets about Yeonjun missing TXT's M2 x Genie Awards performance are so supportive, though.
Big Hit Entertainment released a statement on Aug. 1 revealing that TXT's Yeonjun wouldn't be able to perform during the M2 x Genie Awards because of a back injury.
"While making preparations for today's 2019 M2 X GENIE MUSIC AWARDS, YEONJUN of TOMORROW X TOGETHER began to experience sudden back pain and received a thorough examination and treatment at a nearby hospital," the statement read.
"He is now resting and recovering. However, medical staff has advised him to temporarily refrain from taking part in vigorous choreography, and YEONJUN will therefore be unable to participate in today's GENIE MUSIC AWARDS," it continued. "We would like to ask for your generous understanding, and we will provide YEONJUN with all the assistance necessary for a speedy and full recovery."
While fans of the group are bummed that Yeonjun couldn't perform with the other TXT members, they were still sending the performer well wishes.
So supportive! Fans were determined to make sure Yeonjun didn't feel bad about missing the performance, so they were sending him words of comfort saying that there will be more award shows to attend in the future and that focusing on his health was the most important thing. We stan a supportive fandom!
While they're definitely heartbroken that Yeonjun had to miss this milestone for the group (although I'm sure they're not as bummed as Yeonjun is), he'll be back in the saddle in no time! I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities for TXT to slay at live shows.
And the group still slayed their performance. Instead of adjusting the choreography to make up for Yeonjun's absence, however, they left his spot open.
Fans loved that the group did that, as they felt it honored Yeonjun in a way. Way to power through, boys!
TXT did a great job of representing Big Hit at the award show. BTS, their sibling group, unfortunately, couldn't make it to the show to perform despite their seven nominations because they're currently on hiatus while they work on new projects. The show did play a few recorded acceptance speeches from the BTS boys when they won the Global Popularity award and the Genie Popularity Award, though.
Honestly, it's kind of nice that TXT got to shine on their own at this show! Having both of the groups there would have been a wonderful thing for their fans to see, of course, but it's nice that TXT got some solo spotlight on them at their first award show performance. Yeonjun was no doubt proud of his fellow TXT members. Get well soon, Yeonjun! Dance injuries are no joke.