The Makeup That Goes With Your Zodiac Sign Is Scarily Accurate
Isn't sitting in front of the mirror and doing your makeup the most relaxing thing in the world? I love making a whole ritual out of it. I light a candle, turn on some music, and think of my face as a canvas that I'm about to create art with. However, not all of us always have time to do this. Sometimes you've got to quickly apply your makeup before rushing out the door, but isn't there one form of makeup you prize above all the others? The type of makeup you always wear, according to your zodiac sign, is just that.
The fact is, cosmetics are a broad category with many different facets. While every form of makeup is important if you're going for the full effect, I bet that most of us have our own signature look that we can quickly create with only a few tools. Some of us never leave the house without mascara coating their eyelashes. Others are always adorned with a soft eyeshadow that makes them feel more like themselves. As for me? I feel absolutely naked without my rose-colored lipstick, and even if I'm not wearing any other form of makeup, I've always got my pout painted pink. What about you?
Aries: Mascara
You're always in a hurry, Aries, but that doesn't mean you won't make time to add a touch of intensity to your stare. You never go anywhere without mascara and you've probably got a couple tubes in your bag.
Taurus: Lipstick
You're bold and traditional when it comes to makeup, so it's no wonder that you've got an epic collection of lipsticks, Taurus. You're leaving kisses on everyone's cheeks and no one is complaining about it.
Gemini: Highlighter
You're a frisky, fun, and playful little pixie, Gemini, and some shimmering highlighter on your cheek bones just accentuates how mischievous you really are. Can anyone stay mad at you when you look so cute?
Cancer: Blush
You're adorable, Cancer, and everyone knows it. You love what blush can do to make you even more adorable. You've got a whole collection of all sorts of shades and you look gorgeous in every single one of them.
Leo: Lip Gloss
You never lost touch with your inner-child, Leo, and that's why you've never given up on the youthful effect of lip gloss. You love how it makes your lips shimmer and it always smells so good. Lip gloss is just plain fun.
Virgo: Foundation
Between BB creme and concealer, you love looking fresh, clean, and immaculate, which is why you've always got the most exquisite foundation on deck. Like you even need it, because even your bare skin glows.
Libra: Eyeshadow
You're a natural beauty, Libra, but you still like to liven things up with a touch of color. Whether it's a dark smokey effect or a soft, pastel enhancement, your eyeshadow is the envy of anyone who cares about makeup.
Scorpio: Eyeliner
Is it any surprise that your eyeliner is always so sharp and intense? Whether you're drawing on a thin, delicate line or going for it with a long and sleek cat-eye look, everyone is blushing when you look at them.
Sagittarius: Bronzer
You're a world traveler and you love being sun-kissed after traipsing through tropical locales. However, when you can't make it to the beach, you've always got your trusty bronzer on deck to give you that warm effect.
Capricorn: Eyebrows
Let's be real: You've got better eyebrows than anyone who knows makeup. You've got all the right palettes and eyebrow pencils to give you that sleek effect, and it makes you a seductress through and through.
Aquarius: False Eyelashes
You're famous for standing out in a crowd, Aquarius, and your eyelashes know it. You have a whole collection of false eyelashes, ranging from soft and delicate to dramatic and over-the-top. You can't help but pop.
Pisces: Glitter
There's something about you that seems magical and otherworldly, Pisces, which is why you've probably got a whole array of various glitters. You add them to your look for even a casual affair, because why not?