You Can Now Wear Your Lunch To Work Thanks To The Ziploc x Beams Collaboration
If organization is key in your life and you like everything to be in its own easy access compartment, then the Ziploc x BEAMS collaboration will likely make your heart sing. Yes, you read that right, your favorite lunch bag brand has teamed up with Japanese label BEAMS on a collection of fantastic plastic accessories, many of which even boast multiple zippable compartments. (Whether you decide to fill them with bologne sandwiches and Cheetos or less edible objects is up to you.)
Although I'm not a huge Ziploc user these days (I try to cut down on my plastic products and they're one small easily eliminable way), BEAMS has a special place in my heart. I went to Japan a few springs ago and upon one of BEAMS' locations, which carried it's namesake brand and other cool, trendy designers, I knew I'd found my favorite place to shop in Tokyo. From knickknacks like keychains, hats, and small dishes boasting minimalistic yet covetable designs to wearable masterpieces by the buzziest up-and-coming designers around, the stock was intriguing and I wanted everything. Leave it to BEAMS, then, to collaborate with an American lunch bag company and effortlessly make the joint offerings hilariously cool.
The collection reminds me of when Balenciaga ripped off the classic blue crinkly Ikea bag and sold their high-fashion version for $2,145 (whoever bought that is a nut), except Ziploc and BEAMS collaborated on it together and it features an entire slew of offerings rather than just one bag. A few carryalls, some head gear, an apron, and an umbrella (plastic—they had to!) compose the lineup and yes, they all feature a classic Ziploc closure, though many of them aren't functional. Booh.
First up, the bags. As you could probably tell by the quite excellent advertisement above, the backpack is the crown jewel of the collection. Completely see-through, it features the Ziploc logo across its front, which also boasts a smaller pocket topped with the Ziploc closure.
If you prefer hands-free bags, the fanny pack is for you. It basically looks like a lunch bag on a strap—I will pay someone money if they wear their lunch to work everyday via this fanny pack! Napoleon Dynamite would have approved.
If you're traveling, the small snap-closure pouch on a string would be perfect to put your passport in for ultimate safe keeping while you're traveling between cities. It's also spotted with pink polka dots, meaning it's insanely cute!
The final of the bags is a tote and it's the most colorful offering of the entire bunch. Striped with clear blue and pink plastic paneling, it's actually really cool and would make for the perfect beach tote.
Now, onto the headwear! There's a baseball hat which features Ziploc bag closures in the form of striped detailing....
And then there's the visor version, because who doesn't want a clear plastic brim when they're trying to block sun from their eyes!
Next up we've got the umbrella, which looks a lot like those other see-through umbrellas that come out in droves when it rains, except it's wrap-around closure is a Ziploc bag closure. It's all in the details!
And finally, the apron, which I consider to be the piece de resistance. It's literally an apron made up of snap-closure Ziplock bags. The things you could store in there! The snacks you could carry on you 24/7! Going to the movies? Simply wear this under your coat filled with the candies of your choice and once you're seated, kick back, relax, and enjoy.
Items within the collection range between ¥1,296 JYP (about $12 USD) and ¥14,040 JYP (about $130 USD) and can bought on the BEAMS website. Happy snapping.