Try These Animal Face Snapchat Filters To Liven Up Your Story
Snapchat is an easy way to connect with friends from a distance. There are new Lenses to try all the time, so finding a favorite to change up your Snap game doesn't take much time at all. If you're a fan of the animal-themed Lenses, though, these ten animal face filters on Snapchat will put an end to your boredom.
From the viral cat face filter trend to Snapchat animal Lens creators, there are plenty of choices when it comes to fun Lenses to replace your face with a cute animal. You'll find some of these Snapchat Lenses in the main Lens Carousel, or from searching through the Lens Explorer tab. Since the Lenses in the Carousel rotate, you may not find an animal face Lenses you remember seeing a couple of weeks ago. The best way to find a bunch of different animal face Lenses is to open up Snapchat, go to the Lens Carousel, and then tap on the smiley face icon on the right. Then from the Lens Explorer tab, you can find specific animal face Lenses by typing your search bar via the magnifying glass at the top of the screen.
Some of the animal face Lenses on Snapchat replace your entire face with an AR animal, just putting in your eyes and lips, while others are more like an AR face paint.
1. Snapchat's Ostrich Face Lens
The Ostrich Lens from Snapchat changes your voice and makes you look like an ostrich, placing your eyes and lips in to bring some of your personality to the look. Sometimes this appears in Snapchat's carousel, otherwise, you can find it by searching "ostrich" in the Explorer tab.
2. The "Frog" Lens by Ramanpreet Singh
This Lens turns you into a frog, however, it isn't a voice-changing Lens. TBH, the scale of your lips makes this Lens look hilariously cartoonish, especially if you give a flashy smile.
3. "Funny fish" Lens by Chaz
You can find this Lens by Chaz by searching "fish" or "funny fish" in the Lens Explorer tab. The Lens places you under the water as an orange colored tropical fish.
4. "Dog" Lens by Fahad.en
This cute pug Lens might just be your new fave choice for dog face Lenses. Your eyes are layered over the pup's cute brown ones, and the way your mouth shows up on the overlay is nearly perfect.
5. "Hamster" Lens by M
This fluffy little gem by creator M changes your voice to a squeaky pitch and is sure to make you laugh.
6. "The Council" Lens by Robert
A hilarious take on the council meme, this Snapchat Lens by Robert places your eyes and mouth onto all three of the animals.
7. Tiger face Lenses by MALSAEED55 and M
There are a couple of options for tiger face Lenses. The first one is "Tiger" from MALSAEED55, which covers your face in augmented reality tiger stripes like the cat face Lenses. The second one is "TIGER" by M, and features a deep voice changer, falling snow, and puts your eyes and mouth into the tiger image.
8. "Chinchilla Face" Lens by Charlotte Hicks
This Lens is adorable and hilarious at the same time. The scale of human eyes and lips on the chinchilla is ridiculous, but that's what makes it funny.
9. Snapchat's "Talking Giraffe" Lens
This Lens gives your voice a high pitch and the giraffe moves around like it's walking or swaying to some unheard music.
10. The "Talking Suricate" Snapchat Lens
Meerkats (or suricates) are adorable, so why not use this Lens? The "Talking Suricate" Lens uses your facial features onto this cute little guy, while changing your voice.
Snapchat's carousel has a good rotation of animal face Lenses, including the animal ear Lenses like Snapchat's Dog Lens, so if you haven't found your favorite yet, keep looking.