These 33 Grinch Zoom Backgrounds Will Make Your Heart Grow 3 Sizes
Cartoon or Carrey — take your pick!
Whether you're feeling as grumpy as the Grinch or as cheerful as a Who, you may want to celebrate the holidays with these How the Grinch stole Christmas Zoom backgrounds. Virtually transporting yourself to Whoville from your couch is easy — "be it ever so heinous, there's no place like home." While it's been more than 20 years since Jim Carrey first terrorized Whoville as the Grinch (and 55 years since the cartoon debuted), Mt. Crumpet's green-hued resident still manages to steal fans' hearts every holiday season. From photos of baby Grinch to a roast beast feast, these iconic scenes from the 2000 movie and 1966 cartoon are pretty much guaranteed to make your heart grow three sizes.
As much as you try to tap into the spirit of the Cindy Lou Whos of the world during this time of year, you’re bound to have those “grinchy” moments where you relate more to the cranky recluse. If you feel like channeling the misunderstood character during your next early morning call or lengthy Zoom meeting, there's no better time to whip out one of these backgrounds. These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the Grinch scenes you could pull out for your next video call or virtual party, so give yourself permission to leave your Christmas cheer at the door and book an appointment to wallow in self-pity with one of these memorable moments.
1. Grinch Chilling In His Lair
Who doesn't relate to "Am I just eating because I'm bored?"
2. Moody Mt. Crumpet
Swap out your scenic Alps Zoom backdrop for this Mt. Crumpet shot.
3. Intruder Alert
If you're having one of those days like the Grinch and don't want any visitors, this Zoom background will make you laugh.
4. Cindy Lou Who Meets The Grinch
While the Grinch insists he wasn't trying to save Cindy Lou in the packaging room, the incident piqued her interest.
5. Talking With The Grinch
When Cindy Lou Who talks to the Grinch in his lair, she isn't afraid of him even though he tries to intimidate her.
6. The Grinch As A Green Baby
Before there was baby Yoda, there was baby Grinch.
7. Eating A Santa Plate
It was pretty obvious the Grinch was different from the minute he ate a chuck out of a Santa Claus plate.
8. The Grinch First Starts Hating Christmas
This scene of the Grinch in school shows he's already an outsider.
9. The Grinch Gives Martha May Whovier A Christmas Present
One of the most heartwarming and heartbreaking scenes of the movie is when the Grinch gives his crush an angel he made.
10. Destroying The Classroom’s Decorations
After the other Who children laugh at him for his failed attempt at shaving his face, the Grinch gets so angry he smashes the holiday decorations in the classroom and lifts the Christmas tree, ready to toss it.
11. Whoville Framed By Mt. Crumpet
Mt. Crumpet's iconic shape looks great framed against all the twinkling lights of the town below.
12. The Grinch Putting A Pillow Over His Head
Hit snooze too many times this morning? This grumpy Grinch scene is so relatable.
13. Max Holding The Award Letter
The Grinch's loyal sidekick gently nudges him to make an appearance at Whoville.
14. The Grinch Accepting The Award
Unfortunately, all hell breaks loose when the Grinch is reunited with Martha May and realizes he's being made fun of.
15. Shaving The Mayor’s Head
On his tirade in Whoville, the Grinch shaves the mayor’s head right down the middle.
16. Lighting The Christmas Tree On Fire
Leave it to the Grinch to take his revenge a little too far.
17. Mt. Crumpet During Operation Steal Christmas
The Grinch's lair is transformed into a workshop as he plots how to steal Christmas from the Whos.
18. The Grinch As Santa Claus
Mt. Crumpet's solitary resident decides to try being the man in red for one night.
19. The Grinch Steals Christmas
There are countless screenshot-worthy scenes from this sequence, including the Grinch trying to go down a chimney upside down.
20. The Grinch With The Tree
The Grinch almost rethinks his evil plan when he's confronted by Cindy Lou.
21. Raiding The Fridge
You might not be stealing Christmas, but the Grinch’s fridge raid is way too relatable when you’re feeling the late night hunger pangs.
22. Whoville at Christmas
This is a great shot of the town before all the lights start going out.
23. His Heart Grows Three Sizes
The Grinch’s heart grows three sizes, and he doubles over in pain before he bursts out crying.
24. The Grinch Returns Christmas
Luckily for all the Whos, the Grinch has a change of heart and realizes, "Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more."
25. The Grinch Brings The Presents Back
Not only does the grumpy recluse return everything he stole and apologize, but he also wins back Martha May.
26. Mt. Crumpet All Decked Out
The Whos take the Christmas celebration to the Grinch's lair, which has now been decorated with Christmas lights, a tree, and countless decorations.
27. The Grinch Carving Roast Beast
The Grinch is finally accepted by the residents of Whoville as he carves a roast beast with Martha May, Cindy Lou, and Max by his side.
28. Cindy Lou & Max
Cindy Lou and Max are two of the film's most likable characters, so it's fitting the final scene of the movie is the young Who sneaking the pup some food from the table.
29. “Welcome To Whoville”
Place yourself in the idyllic cartoon landscape of Whoville.
30. Two Sizes Too Small
The Grinch’s heart is “two sizes too small,” which is one reason he hates the Whos and all of Whoville.
31. A Brilliant Idea
The Grinch decides he’s going to steal Christmas, and once he gets the idea, his face contorts into a devilish grin.
32. Patting Cindy Lou Who
When the Grinch is stealing the tree from Cindy Lou Who’s house, she wakes up, and he tells her that he’s taking it to his workshop to fix the lights.
33. Stealing The Star Tree Topper
You can steal Christmas with this iconic background.
Again, this is just the tip of Mt. Crumpet when it comes to all the Carrey expressions and scenes you could choose from, giving you the perfect excuse to rewatch the holiday classic when you're in a bad mood and tell yourself, "Cheer up, dude. It's Christmas."
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