These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Worst August, But It's Not As Bad As It Seems
You would think after a month as intense and emotionally driven as July, the cosmos would at least have the decency to throw someone a bone in August — but the saga most definitely continues. These three signs will have the worst August 2019: Taurus, Libra, and Capricorn. Although, in the end, it all boils down to your current mindset. Sure, I can list a number of reasons why August may or may not be your best month yet, but it's up to you to believe that for yourself. Perspective is everything, so make sure to read the below with an open mind.
The good news: August will feel like a breath of fresh air compared to July. Both Leo season and Virgo season will make their cameos differently — according to where exactly they are located via your birth chart — but, rest assured, they will be nowhere near as tense as Cancer season. Something else to look forward to? Mercury will already be direct in Leo, and lucky Jupiter, planet of expansion and opportunity, will also station direct on Aug. 11. Mars and Venus will enter Virgo before the sun leaves Leo on Aug. 23, and this will alleviate the rebellious tension between the sun and Uranus.
So, keep calm as you read what's in store for Taurus, Libra, and Capricorn this month:
Taurus: You're Starting To Burn Yourself Out
Your persistence is a magnificent thing, Taurus. However, it's important you start recognizing the difference between putting in the work and being ruthlessly stubborn. With rebellious Uranus in your sign forming a tense square with your ruling planet Venus early on in the month, you'll have no trouble expressing your unique individuality — but make sure you don't take it to an extreme either. Your values, relationships, and passions are in a flux right now, so try to take some time to reflect. Looking inward is a theme for you this month.
Libra: You're Feeling Insecure
This isn't your first rodeo, Libra. Pluto, Saturn and the South Node are in the midst of restructuring your inner world and emotional foundation from the ground up, so you know change is inevitable. However, with the sun, Mars, and your ruling planet Venus socializing via your 11th house of friendships for the majority of the month, you'll suddenly feel the need to associate yourself with a completely different crew. Meanwhile, with rebellious Uranus stationing retrograde via your inhibited eighth house of sex, power, and shared resources, you could suddenly feel as though your sense of security is being tested.
Capricorn: You're Seeing Shocking Truths Firsthand
What can I say, Capricorn? This is a year of intense transformation and powerful rebirths, and you more than anyone know things don't come easy. Although, with the sun, Mars, and Venus hovering over your auspicious eighth house of sex, power, and joint ventures, there's no doubt some buried truths will resurface during this time. Also, with Uranus stationing retrograde via your fifth house of sex and romance, you might suddenly feel the need to do something rebellious in your love life. So make sure you're not doing anything shady, OK? The eighth house loves taboo, but Leo is ruled by the sun. This means your secrets will come to light.
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