Young woman loves Secret Santa present

These 3 Zodiac Signs Love Secret Santa, So Have Your Elf A Merry Little Xmas

by Valerie Mesa
Originally Published: 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, stargazers. Whether you're staying warm with some hot cocoa, or singing along to your favorite Christmas tunes, the magic of the holiday season is inevitable. The ones getting into the holiday spirit most are these three zodiac signs who love secret Santa: Taurus, Leo, and Libra. I'm pretty sure they're already recruiting assistant elves.

While your Cancer, Scorpio, and/or Capricorn friends probably groan any time someone asks if your group is doing Secret Santa this year — after all, those are the zodiac signs who hate Secret Santa — the previously mentioned trio always jump at the chance, and for various reasons.

Here's why Taurus, Leo, and Libra live for the Secret Santa festivities:

Taurus: You Have Incredible Taste And You Know It

Don't even try to deny the facts — you look forward to Secret Santa every year. If only everyone else had half of your killer taste and effortlessly lavish ways, then maybe they wouldn't dread these annual shenanigans. You always come up with some super brilliant idea, and the best part is, you don't even have to try. Your glamour is innate and one of a kind. Share the wealth, will you?


Leo: You Love Surprising People

Despite your smoldering charisma and natural confidence, you're a big kid at heart. I'm not even trying to sound cheesy, but anything that involves joy, laughter, and love in general is all you. It's no coincidence you are often referred to as the sign of the heart. Your face lights up with joy whenever you see other people happy. So, I can just imagine the look on your face when your SS finally figures out you're the one behind the trail of candy canes around their work desk and surprise holiday confetti.

Libra: You Secretly Enjoy The Entire Process

You might be the most charming sign in the zodiac, but what most people don't know is that you also happen to be an incredible fibber, too. Similar to your Venusian sibling of the cosmos, aka Taurus, you're a natural at the aesthetic situation. However, Taurus could never pull off your poker face. You're on a mission, Libra, and your wrapping paper is also strategically chosen, so it doesn't completely give you away. You are something else.

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