
These 4 Zodiac Signs Are The Most Likely To Cancel Plans, So Don't Be Surprised

by Roya Backlund
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It's easy to say yes to plans with someone in the moment, right? You're chatting with someone cool and you're feeling fanciful, and so when one of you suggests that you guys should totally get together, you're completely game. Unfortunately for some, this can be a huge mistake. Some folks are flaky, and when push comes to shove, they end up making some excuse to get out of your plans. This happens every time. Who am I talking about here? Oh, just the zodiac signs who are most likely to cancel plans. Good luck pinning one of these guys down for a get-together, because they're all over the map.

Following through with plans can take a whole lot of sacrifice and perseverance. It's safe to say everyone knows how it feels to have plans set in place only to realize two hours before that you have zero desire to actually go (and how good it feels to cancel, order sushi, and marathon Riverdale instead). When you get to the bottom of it, the reason the following signs end up flaking out is that they often prioritize themselves and their own well-being — which isn't a bad thing. So if they don't want to do something, they just... don't. Even if they forgot all about said plans, they probably weren't all that excited about going to begin with.

Even though flakiness is super annoying, let's give these zodiac signs some praise. They know what they need, and if they need to cancel plans because they know that something else will make them happier, they won't ignore their gut instinct.


Gemini: Better Plans Came Up, So They Went With That

Geminis are infamous for their dual-sided nature. It's like there are two different people living inside them: one who wanted to hang out with you, and the other who, well... no longer does. It's a toss-up. Which side of their personality is going to take over on the day of your plans? It doesn't help that they've been talking to so many different people that the probably have, like, five different options for things to do on any given day. A different plan might sound more fun.

Libra: They Couldn't Say "No" To You

Libras really just want to be liked, so it's difficult for them to outright tell you "no" when you ask them if they want to hang out. They see how excited you look and they don't want to be a bummer, so they'll say "OK" just to make you happy. Even though they're hoping you'll forget all about it, they're still planning to tell you that something came up later on. Of course, they'll tell you over a text so that they don't have to see your disappointed face in person.

Scorpio: They Probably Got Into One Of Their Moods

When a Scorpio is feeling off, the last thing they want to do is show up to a social event with you and pretend that everything's alright. It makes them feel so much worse to have to lie about how they're feeling. So, they'll probably let you know how sorry they are that they've come down with some ~mysterious~ flu, but they'll actually be chilling in bed watching Sex And The City reruns.

Pisces: Oh, Those Plans? They Were Probably Joking

It's a shocker that a Pisces even made plans with you in the first place, and in all honesty, you might have totally misinterpreted that conversation. You see, Pisces hates having to commit to plans, and they're usually pretty good at avoiding it altogether. But when they make the mistake of agreeing to something, they start fumbling. They're known for texting, "So sorry, I literally just saw this!" hours later or saying something like, "Oh no, I thought you meant next Friday." They'll present themselves like a total ditz on purpose, just so you never try to pin them down again.

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