Here's The Birthday Date Your Partner Will Love, Based On Their Sign
If you're stumped about what kind of date to plan for your partner's birthday, look to the stars. Coming up with a birthday date idea based on your partner’s zodiac sign can be a huge game-changer. Whether you and your boo brush up on zodiac signs for fun, or they're a serious part of your spirituality, astrology is an aspect of identity that's literally based on when you were born. So, if you're planning a date to celebrate the celestial moment your partner entered the world, why not consider their natal chart when planning a birthday date?
Taking an astrological approach will help you get the vibe of your partner's festivities just right. Here's the direction you should consider heading in when planning an ideal birthday date for your partner, based on their star sign.
Aquarius: Protest & Chill
As Aquarius' partner, you know their most slept-on quality is how they always stand up for what they believe in. Plan a birthday date around a (virtual) feminism conference or politics panel to give your Aquarius lover the gift of practical social justice education. You can also make a donation to a non-profit they love to make their birthday extra sweet.
Pisces: Indulge Their Creative Side
Since Pisces is the dreamer of the zodiac, you can't go wrong with an art-themed date night for their birthday. Start the date by tackling a craft project or an interesting dinner recipe together. Then, watch one of their faves in concert (Ariana Grande's excuse me, i love you or Taylor Swift's Long Pond Studio Sessions are wonderful at-home choices) and dissect the performance afterward.
Aries: Go Sky-Diving
Aries lives for excitement, whether that's chaos in their day-to-day or bold moves in their career or love life. Get your Aries partner's blood pumping on their birthday with a sky-diving session.
Taurus: Book A Spa Day For Two
Taurus has expensive tastes that typically manifest in how they indulge their senses. Splurging on food, sparing no expense on silk pajamas, snagging the best concert tickets — you know the drill. Birthday facials, full-body massages, and mani-pedis at home are music to Taurus' ears.
Gemini: Plan An Instagram-Worthy Roadtrip
If you're dating a Gemini, you're probably super charmed by their friendliness and with the way they like to share their worldview with everyone, from their family members to their group chat. Plan a road trip to some Instagram-worthy spots in your state and have a little photoshoot for your Gem to shine.
Cancer: Plan A Beach Picnic
A beach date feels like a fitting plan for this water sign. The romance of frothy waves, ocean sunsets, and quality time with a partner outdoors would absolutely touch your Cancer's heart.
Leo: Get Dressed Up & Play Some Games
Nothing gets Leo going like a little friendly competition. So if a visit to a barcade is off the table, plan a one-on-one game night to get them going. If you're planning an at-home date, give your Leo an excuse to dress to the nines (and flex on Instagram, of course).
Virgo: Visit Space (Well, Kind Of)
Dreaming for Virgo looks like examining all the possibilities of this fabulous universe. For your Virgo lover's birthday, indulge them in their hypotheses about this planet and the next with a galaxy-themed date. Watch a space documentary or Star Trek marathon, and give your room some ambiance with a star projector.
Libra: Recreate Their Favorite Movie
Your Libra partner has probably charmed you with their tendency to find romance in everything. Lean in by planning a date inspired by their favorite film. Costumes and themed food are must.
Scorpio: Book An Escape Room Challenge
Even though they can often come off as chill beyond belief, Scorpio loves a challenge. They also place a lot of value on being vulnerable with loved ones. Build intimacy with your Scorpio partner and give them an adrenaline fix with an escape room date. If you'd rather stay home, get into the virtual version.
Sagittarius: Book A Romantic Airbnb For A Night (Or Two)
You don't have to go international to indulge your Sagittarius partner's travel bug for their special day. Book a romantic Airbnb nearby for a birthday date to remember.
Capricorn: Have A Night At The Museum
Capricorn is always down for an educational activity. Have a whimsical, themed dinner with your Cap partner before exploring the museum exhibitions everyone's buzzing about. Safest at home? Plenty of museums offer virtual tours.
You can tweak each of these dates to your partner's specific tastes, but no matter what you decide, you're bound to plan an iconic birthday when you use the stars as your guide.