These Celebrity Reactions To The Attempted Coup At The U.S. Capitol Are Passionate
A wave of anger, upset, confusion, and overall disbelief washed over the country during the Jan. 6 pro-Trump riot in Washington, D.C. When rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol building in an attempt to prevent Joe Biden from being certified by Congress as the next president of the United States, senators and Capitol staff took cover from the chaos. Several politicians still managed to live-tweet during the attempted coup, but they weren't the only ones posting about the violent threat to democracy. These celebrity reactions to the attempted coup at the U.S. Capitol [are] were passionate pleas to the public to accept the results of the 2020 election and stop the violence.
Some reactions to the unprecedented event were snapshots of the chaos shown on news stations and across Twitter. A few celebrities also took time to illustrate the differences in Capitol police officers' treatment of the MAGA rioters and their treatment of Black Lives Matter protestors throughout summer 2020. The pain and anger [they are feeling felt after watching the days’ events unfold is palpable in their tweets, demonstrating why the Jan. 6 attempted coup will go down in history as a dark day for American democracy.
Chris Evans
Captain America himself chimed in to put the blame squarely on the politicians who assisted Donald Trump by affirming his false claims of voter fraud, further misleading his base.
Selena Gomez
As for Gomez, she laid blame on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, whose leadership, she feels, do not do enough to quell the immense amounts of disinformation shared on their networks. "Today is a result of allowing people with hate in their hearts to use platforms that should be used to bring people together and allow people to build community," she wrote on Twitter.
Dwayne Wade
Former NBA player Dwayne Wade commented on the violence, expressing his disbelief at the lax treatment Capitol rioters (who had literally broken into a federal building) received from police compared to the brutality Black people face at the hands of police daily just for living.
Demi Lovato
Lovato echoed Wade's thoughts about the disproportionate police response to the Capitol riots, and let fans know she was channeling her anger at the state of the country into new music. "THIS IS WHY I POST AS MUCH AS I DO. THIS IS WHY I CARE. THIS CANNOT HAPPEN ANY F*CKING MORE. I’m angry, embarrassed and ashamed," she wrote. "I’m in the studio working on something special after today’s assault on democracy."
Mark Ruffalo
Actor Mark Ruffalo expressed his confusion about how blatant misinformation and calls for violent riots were allowed on a platform like Twitter. He encouraged investors and co-founders of the social networking site to ban Donald Trump's account.
Cardi B
Rapper Cardi B had a lot to say about the violence unfolding in D.C., but her first reaction echoed what many Americans felt as the day's events unfolded: Why was the National Guard not present and ready to defend the Capitol building while Congress certified electoral college votes?
Charli D'Amelio
TikTok influencer Charli D'Amelio encouraged her fellow Americans to stay strong amid violence and rising tensions. "Today has been a difficult day for our country my heart is with everyone and im just hoping everyone can stay safe and out of any harm," she tweeted.
Wanda Sykes
Hollywood comedian Wanda Sykes pondered the absence of tear gas and rubber bullets by cops against the violent rioters, considering they were used liberally on Black Lives Matter organizers during peaceful protests in June 2020.
Maggie Rogers
Singer Maggie Rogers expressed disbelief over a news clip of a woman receiving assistance walking down the Capitol steps from a cop in riot gear, further highlighting the stark difference the majority-white rioters received compared to BLM protestors.
Lauren Jauregui
Former Fifth Harmony member Lauren Jauregui clapped back at conservative troll Tomi Lahren for her remarks making light of the attempted coup. Lahren attempted to justify the violent actions of the pro-Trump mob by calling it a "protest," writing, "Funny to see liberals suddenly so against protesting," but Jauregui heard quite enough. "Tammy shut the actual f*ck up," she responded.