These 5 Myths About Extroverts Might Really Surprise You
Consider what comes to mind when you think of someone in your life who's extroverted. This may be a close friend who's always the life of the party, and thrives when they're around other people. This friend also might come across as loud when she's flirting with a crush. In reality, there are some myths about extroverts and their personalities floating around that aren't in line with what being an extrovert actually means.
According to Business Insider, whether we are introverted or extroverted has more to do with the effect other people have on our energy levels, and the ways we recharge after being social, than it is an indicator of our personality traits.
As counselor David Bennett tells Elite Daily, "Extroverts generally get their energy from being around others and interacting socially." That's how they charge up and feel good. Being social doesn't leave them feeling exhausted or in major need of alone time like it can for an introvert.
While introverts are easily stimulated by social interactions and need time to recharge, extroverts feel lively being around people and find that alone time leaves them more drained. According to Forbes, many of us relate to someplace in the center of the scale. That's called being an ambivert. Interesting, right? So really, when you figure out where you fall on the introvert/ambivert/extrovert scale, it can offer a really helpful guide to your own self-care and even the way you plan your weekends.
The differences in our personalities are nothing short of fascinating, don't you think? So, let's please not sell each other short, and bust some of these old school myths about what being extroverted really means.
01Extroverts Are Gossips
Listen, everyone likes a little gossip every now and then, but extroverts are no more prone to this than introverts. It's something we all have to keep an eye on.
Speaker and Life Coach Rachel Sheerin identifies as an extrovert and tells Elite Daily, "A common misconception about extroverts is that we will tell you everything and anything — just because we enjoy conversation doesn't mean that we don't keep things private or want to share openly all the time!"
02Extroverts Hate Doing Things Alone
"One myth is that extroverts do not like doing things alone," counselor Heidi McBain, MA, LMFT tells Elite Daily. Yes, they get energy being around other people, she explains, but they like their solo time relaxing on the couch with the fur baby just fine, thank you.
To further prove this point, Bennett tells Elite Daily, "Since most extroverts, like introverts, exist on a spectrum of extraversion and introversion, extroverts need time alone too, just less of it."
Even extroverts need to Netflix and chill!
03Extroverts Are Super Friendly
Believe it or not, you can come across as an extrovert who is a little salty or not terribly charismatic.
"The stereotype is that being an extrovert is socially advantageous, because they are friendly, charming, and easy-going," says counselor David Bennet. "Not all extroverts fit this stereotype."
04Extroverts Have Incredible Social Skills
Yes, many extroverts do indeed possess lovely and admirable social skills — but it's not all party invitations and well-timed, socially-relevant jokes, you guys.
"Being extroverted doesn’t necessarily mean you have social skills, and some extroverts overshare, say inappropriate things, and make those around them stressed out," Bennett says.
It's safe to say this happens to the best of us, OK?
05Extroverts Will Not Stop Talking
Even if extroverts love being around others, this doesn’t mean they spend all of that time talking or speaking their minds.
"Many extroverts may say very little in social interactions if they don’t have much to say at that moment," says Bennett. "They will, however, generally be comfortable in these interactions and enjoy them."