These Dogs Playing With Their Fave Toys Will Make Your Whole Day
Sometimes, I think there's nothing more awesome than a cute pup. TBH, I get serious FOMO when I see people with their doggos on the street. Even though I don't have a dog, I do make up for it with my spoiled cat. But still — it's hard not to love dogs, with their hilarious need for attention, belly scratches, and dog toys. Seriously, pups love their toys. Need proof? Just take a look at these photos of dogs playing with their favorite toys. They might just make your day.
Anyone who has owned a dog knows that they're lovable, hilarious creatures that are just about impossible to dislike. Dog owners (and admirers) likely also know that you shouldn't come between a dog and their best friend. And no, I'm not talking about the owner being their BFF here — I'm talking about their favorite toys.
This became a hot topic on Twitter on the evening of Oct. 9, when Thoughts of Dog — a company that sells dog calendars and planners — took to their Twitter account to see "all of your favorite stuffed frens." Then, all of the dog owners who saw this on Twitter began sharing the cutest photos of their good boys and girls with their fave toys. It is almost too much cuteness to handle.
As of publication the original tweet has 123,000 likes and almost 9,000 retweets. And, as expected, the photo responses of pups with their play things are golden. Plus, there are so many different ways pups show love to their toys.
Dogs who are very possessive of their toys
Dogs don't like it very much if you try to take their favorite toy away from them. In fact, I've met dogs who will give you a weird face just for looking at their toy. If you're trying to play with them and need to grab it to do so, it can turn into a pretty funny — not to mention difficult — situation if you have a dog that's possessive of their toys.
Notice the beagle's concerned look and paw placement. He looks like he's saying, "What're you looking at? Don't think about taking my friend." I wish I had an endless supply of captions for pictures of dogs.
This girl looks like she'd protect her lamby from ever being snatched away.
Notice that paw is planted firmly on "Mr. Penguin"? Yeah, that toy isn't going anywhere.
The love of a pup and his toy is the purest kind out there, TBH.
Dogs That Love To Cuddle With Their Toys
Isn't it super cute when you find your dog snuggled up asleep with their favorite stuffed toy? These dogs want their BFFs at their side, whether they're awake, thinking of falling asleep, or passed the heck out.
Whether it's a shark friend, an elephant friend... you get the picture. These dogs keep their best toy with them like a security blanket.
I admit, even some dog owners like myself might purposely stick a stuffed toy on top of their sleeping pup just to sneak a ridiculously cute pic.
The Dog That Destroys Its Best Friend By Accident... Or On Purpose
TBH, I have had way too much experience with big dogs and their hobby of tearing up their BFFs. They're always so surprised and sad after it happens, wondering why you just threw their friend in the trash. Either that, or they just look at you with defiant pride at what they did — probably happy you're going to have to shell out more money for another best friend that they can destroy all over again.
Sreiously, I think almost every dog does this at least once.
And then, some dogs just can't be trusted with soft toys at all.
I'd like to take a minute to personally thank Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) for filling my Twitter feed with dogs and their toy friends, not to mention all of these fantastic owners who just made my day a lot brighter with these furry faces. Have you ever seen anything cuter?