These Photos Of The 2018 National Christmas Tree Lighting Will Leave You In Awe
Well folks, it's official, the holiday season is upon us. While many of us are already stressing about buying the perfect gifts for the special people in our lives, let's not forget about some much loved traditions to celebrate in anticipation for Christmas. Well, on Wednesday, Nov. 28 at 5 p.m. ET, the White House lit up its Christmas tree for the world to see, and these photos of the 2018 National Christmas tree lighting will get everyone in the holiday spirit.
The Nov. 28 Christmas tree lighting marks the Trump administration's second year celebrating the winter holiday in the White House. Safe to say, it's been a pretty rocky year for all of us. However, this special ceremony could have served as a moment of political escape in order to celebrate the upcoming holidays. So, to kick off this beloved tradition, President Trump and the first lady marched across the White house lawn to join attendees for the festive celebration. During the ceremony, Trump addressed a crowd of people in honor of occasion where he discussed how cherished this tradition is to so many individuals.
So, once the speech was done, he, with the first lady beside him, officially lit the Christmas tree up. Even though this year may be a bit of a disaster politically, seeing that larger than life fir tree come to life with bright red and gold lights was truly a spectacular sight to see.
It's not too shabby in the daytime, either, by the look of things.
The National Christmas tree lighting event started in 1923, when President Calvin Coolidge walked across the White House lawn to to light an extravagant 48-foot Christmas tree decorated with all the bells and whistles. Fast forward to 96 years later, and this occasion has become a much loved tradition within the United States. Even though watching this larger than life tree glow with bright lights is truly extraordinary, attendance has been dwindling over the recent years since a certain president took office. On Nov. 30, 2017, which marked the Trump administration's first Christmas in the White House, President Donald and first lady Melania Trump gathered in front of the White House to kick off the festivities. However, social media started pointing out that there was a noticeable difference in attendees during the Trump's ceremony versus President Barack Obama's, particularly that there was quite a number of empty seats to fill during the Trump family's soiree.
Even though the holidays should be filled with laughter and joy, the Trump family hasn't necessarily had the most successful run with decorating for the occasion. On Monday, Nov. 26, first lady Melania Trump unveiled the new White House Christmas decorations, and well, they're... interesting to say the least. The photos show blood red fir trees in a perfect line down the White House corridor. I don't know about y'all, but when I saw those decorations for the first time I almost couldn't believe it. However, according to a White House statement, the crimson trees are supposed to represent "patriotism" in the United States. Hm.
The statement read,
This year's theme, 'American Treasures,' honors the unique heritage of America. Designed by first lady Melania Trump, the White House shines with the spirit of patriotism. This home, held in trust for all Americans, displays the many splendors found across our great Nation.
Although the first lady later defended her decorating choice as a matter of taste, a lot of people thought she missed the mark yet again this Christmas when it comes to decorations. I, for one, would pay some serious cash to see Christmas carolers trying to sing upbeat Christmas tunes while among those eerie firs.
Now that the annual White House Christmas tree has officially been lit, it's time to get in the holiday spirit. If you haven't already picked your perfect tree yet, now's the time. One pro tip: I'd steer clear from red.