Danny DeVito Was A Human M&M In This Super Bowl Commercial & Fans Are Cracking Up
Danny DeVito never fails to make me laugh — or smile, at the very least. There are few other actors I know of with better comedic timing or more perfect joke-delivery skills. So yes, I'm definitely getting a kick out of his 2018 Super Bowl commercial. And before you accuse me of having a child's sense of humor, just know that tweets about Danny DeVito in the M&M's Super Bowl commercial prove I'm not the only one loving the ad.
For me, the commercials that air during the Super Bowl are typically hit or miss. I mean, yes, of course I loved the 2015 Budweiser commercial about the heart-wrenchingly cute friendship born between a little lost pupper and a majestically heroic horse. But no, I wasn't as big a fan of the 2017 Mr. Clean commercial. Look, I don't know, I just can't get down with Mr. Clean. I don't like that I can see his butt crack through his white pants, nor do I like his creepy, bushy eyebrows. But I digress.
I'll admit, I'm easily sold on Danny DeVito's Super Bowl commercial not just because of how much I love the Always Sunny in Philadelphia actor; it's also for sure because I have a soft spot for anything about or related to M&M's. They're delicious (duh), but I also have a weirdly strong sense of nostalgia attached to their commercials. Does anyone else just sort of feel like a kid again when they see those round little chocolate guys? No? Just Me? K.
Come on, I know I'm not the only one who loved this ad.
Danny DeVito as an M&M is the kind of thing you probably didn't know you needed in your life, but now that you have it, you're not sure how you ever lived without it.
Some might even go as far to say the commercial was life-changing.
We don't need to watch the rest of the Super Bowl. Danny DeVito as an M&M is literally all we need in this world.
Some say no other Super Bowl commercial will be able to top this one.
Seriously though, DeVito could slay any role he's given.
You're lying if you say you didn't think this immediately after you watched the commercial.
TBH, this might just be excellent inspiration for his next M&M's ad.
I could not agree more.
People were also pumped to see Todrick Hall make a cameo in the ad.
Part of what makes this ad so good is that it was filmed in New York City — if you couldn't tell just by watching the footage. Maybe I'm biased, but NYC is the best city ever (also, we just had the Grammys here, so like, fight me).
In an interview with Adweek, Tim Bayne, executive creator director at BDDO, the ad agency behind the M&M's commercial, explained the strategy behind their choice of location,
Being on the street in New York City, storytelling-wise it just feels more natural and more authentic that there’s people walking around. And being typical New Yorkers, somebody running up to them and saying, ‘Do you want to eat me?’ is not as uncommon as you may think.
Yep, that last part is definitely accurate.
Personally, what I might have loved even more than the actual commercial was the 15-second teaser that preceded it:
Can you really blame me? It looks like pure heaven on earth to be submerged in a giant pool of melted chocolate. DeVito himself basically confirmed exactly that in an interview with People,
I’ve never done anything like that. It was so warm and chocolatey and smooth. I really just wanted to start eating it honestly, but I couldn’t do it until we got the shot of the M and the belly and all of that. But, I got a good taste.
Aside from the opportunity to indulge in literally all the chocolate, it's clear the Always Sunny actor really enjoyed filming the ad. He told People,
But really I dug being Red, that’s all there is to it. And now? I control the M&M company.
I mean yeah, pretty much.