These Tweets About Freddie Mercury's Cats In 'Bohemian Rhapsody' Are Purrfect
Bohemian Rhapsody is doing gangbusters at the box office, despite reviews, which range from disappointed to scathing. The movie brought in $50 million at the box office over its opening weekend, over-performing expectations by nearly $10 million. It is now the second biggest musical biopic of all time, behind 2015's Straight Outta Compton. Over in the U.K., where Queen originated, the film is heading towards being the biggest musical biopic ever released in British theaters. But though fans love the music and Rami Malek's performance as lead singer Mercury, these tweets about Freddie Mercury's cats suggest the real stars of the show are the ones with four feet and fur.
The fact is, Freddie was a crazy cat man, with a brood of 10 purrfect companions over his 45 years: Dorothy, Tiffany, Tom, Jerry, Delilah, Goliath, Lily, Miko, Oscar, and Romeo. The latter six were still with him during the final days of his life, and according to the definitive Rolling Stone biopic of him in 2014, Mercury passed away while stroking Delilah's fur. (There's also an ode to her, which Mercury wrote and sang on Queen's final album, Innuendo. Calicos are the best cats.)
Bohemian Rhapsody captured this in scenes where Freddie chats with his feline friends before heading out to a gig and gives each one their own bedroom in his mansion. Cat-loving fans were gaga over the discovery Mercury was such good staff to his kitty overlords.
Also, the film is a perfect excuse for fans to pull out photos of Freddie and his lovely feline friends. So snuggly!
For those who didn't know about Mercury's love of his cats, their inclusion in the film was a little unexpected, though a very welcome one.
For some, the inclusion of six of Mercury's cats throughout the film was the reason to go see it.
For others, discovering all the photos of Freddie and his cats from the 1970s and 80s was a glorious treasure trove.
Critics and fans are deeply divided over the film. Critics argue the film makes Freddie far more ordinary and fudges the timeline for cheap emotional gain. Fans don't care, they just love the music and Malek's performance.
But everyone agrees on the cats.
As some noted, Malek made acting with the cats look easy. Then again, the cats made working with Malek look easy.
Currently, 20th Century FOX is putting forth the movie for Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay, Bryan Singer for Best Director and Rami Malek for Best Actor in this year's Oscar race.
Some feel they forgot about six perfectly talented purrs who should have been on the list.
For the cat lovers, Freddie's world was just life goals.
Bohemian Rhapsody will find itself without a lot of competition this coming weekend at the box office and could remain the number one movie for two weeks running if all goes well. Personally, I'm pretty sure the cats are the ones who should take the credit.