People Are Tweeting About #HowToCatchAnIntrovert, So You've Officially Been Seen
Hi, I'm Jordan. I'm an introvert, and I'm here to tell you there are a lot of misconceptions about us. Some people assume we're all antisocial, quiet in a group, and obsessed with our oodles of cats. While I love a cuddly kitten as much as the next person, what it means to be an introvert can look very different for different people. That being said, there seems to be a pretty supportive, not to mention hilarious online community for those of us who need plenty of alone time to recharge, and these tweets about #HowToCatchAnIntrovert prove it. Not only are these tweets absolutely hysterical to read, they're also profoundly relatable for anyone who identifies as an introvert.
Personally, my perfect introvert night probably sounds like something out of a brooding Charlotte Brontë novel, if I'm being totally honest (minus the whole, wife-locked-in-the-attic part, that is). I love cuddling on the couch with a mug of jasmine tea and an enthralling book or podcast while it's a little chilly and rainy outside. Add a couple of pretty candles, and for me, the night is complete. I also love nights spent catching up with a friend or two, and I'm lucky enough to have some great pals who also love tea and rain and great books, so I don't always have to choose between the two.
Regardless of whether you're enjoying some well-deserved alone time or hanging out with some good friends, introverts, grab the nearest cat, unite (from behind your respective screens), and share some of these relatable character traits with one another. Here's where you're likely to find the introvert in your life, according to the good ol' people of Twitter.
Deep In A Good Book
While people of all different personality types love to read, there seems to be a special love of books among the introvert community. It turns out there's some scientific evidence for your passion for reading: One study, published in the academic journal Personality and Individual Differences, found that in people who identify as introverts, their brains tend to show increased activity compared to extroverts' brains when it comes to learning and concentration, particularly when tasked with a reading assignment.
For many introverts, there's nothing they love more than spending a day at their local library or bookstore for some healthy brain stimulation and quiet time. Even better, ask an introvert about their favorite books. Chances are, they'll be thrilled to give you some great recommendations.
Engaged In Meaningful Conversations
Linda, I can 100 percent can relate. One of my frustrations with hanging out in big groups is that it can be hard to have any kind of deep interaction, whereas it's much easier to connect with someone if you're just chatting one on one. Being an introvert doesn't necessarliy mean you don't have a big group of friends, but it can mean that you want meaningful friendships instead of more shallow ones.
"An introvert is more likely to enjoy a quiet glass of wine with a close friend than a loud, raucous party full of strangers," Susan Cain, author of the famed introvert explainer book Quiet: The Power of Introverts, said in an interview with Scientific American. In other words, if you're an introvert's friend, take comfort in that and that alone, because it probably means this person really, truly values you and your company.
Practicing Self-Care
The time introverts spend on the couch with their latest Netflix obsession or focused on a creative project is often very important to them. One study, published in the journal Thinking Skills and Creativity, found that relaxation-focused, creative activities tend to benefit introverts more than extroverts. Whether that's drawing, writing, or cooking up an elaborate recipe you've never tried before, keep creating to reap these feel-good benefits, my fellow introverts.
Or, You Know, Don't Try To Catch Us Anywhere
If you aren't an introvert yourself, don't go too far out of your way to try to get someone who is one to "open up." While it's definitely OK to try to engage with someone, if you can tell they're not feeling it, move on and approach them at another time. Above all, don't try to force the introvert in your life to be someone they're not.
"How extroverted or introverted you are is something you need to wear," Linda Blair, a clinical psychologist, told Business Insider. "You need to work with it, live with it, and use it to your advantage."
And when all else fails? Connect over food. Everyone loves food.