Twitter Is So Hype About This iOS Update That Won't Make Phone Calls Take Up Your Entire Screen
On Monday, June 22, Apple hyped all the cool new upgrades users can expect with the company's latest generation of iOS during the 2020 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). The annual keynote, which was held online this year, included major revamps to some of Apple's most enduring designs, including a big change to how users can access calls on their smartphones. Unsurprisingly, these tweets about iOS 14 drop-down banners for phone calls and FaceTime are loving the announcement of the update, which will make it easier to work around notifications when iOS 14 is released this fall.
With the upcoming launch of iOS 14, Apple made it clear it's focusing on streamlining its existing features and making them more user-friendly. In addition to announcing the new operating system will redesign the app grid on the home screen with an organization-friendly app library and bring users more customizable widgets, the tech giant revealed it'll be changing up one of its most enduring features: the incoming calls page, which has previously halted users from doing anything on their device until they choose to accept, ignore, or decline the phone call or FaceTime.
While many Android devices allow users to work around the incoming call notification, iOS 13 and previous operating systems stop all operations and kick iPhone users out of whatever app they're in until they make a decision by alerting them to an incoming call on a separate screen. So, fans were understandably very hype over Apple's June 22 announcement that it'll be doing away with the longtime feature on iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 — and it'll instead swap it out for a banner-style notification at the top of the screen. When iOS 14 rolls out, both iPhone and iPad users will be able to continue doing whatever they were doing before a call came in and can choose to accept or ignore it from the banner at the top, without interrupting whichever app they were using.
When the news was announced, iPhone users cheered the decision on Twitter:
Additionally, with the added Picture-in-Picture support, users will be able to take FaceTime calls while still using another app on their phone. While the excitement is real, users will have to wait until iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 officially roll out to start ignoring calls in peace, but it sounds like Apple fans are already counting down to the implementation of this long overdue update in fall 2020. For users who are part of the beta program, a public beta version of iOS 14 will be available in July 2020.
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