Twitter Stans This Photo Of Melania Trump & Justin Trudeau
Look, let's face facts, on top of being a notable political leader, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is easy on the eyes. Well, judging by these tweets about Melania Trump loving Justin Trudeau, the first lady agrees. Sorry President Trump, but it looks like Twitter has found their new #couplegoals.
United States President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump traveled to France for the weekend of Aug. 24 to attend the Group of Seven (G7) summit. While these summits are usually meant to focus on political discussions and international relations, Twitter was interested in a different type of foreign relationship — which included Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and first lady Melania Trump. While greeting Trudeau for a "family photo" to commemorate the end of the G7 summit on Sunday, Aug. 25, the first lady attempted to greet the Canadian prime minister with an air kiss, but it was her expression that had Twitter completely losing it.
Of course, Trump's greeting towards Trudeau was almost certainly just a kind gesture, but leave it to Twitter to make a simple air kiss into an entire political fandom. One thing is for sure, this image of first lady Trump and Prime Minister Trudeau went viral across the internet. However, what makes it even better is that President Trump is holding the first lady's hand, apparently completely unaware of the air kiss, while Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and French "first lady" Brigitte Macron seem to be looking at the pair in amusement.
I don't know about y'all, but the name #Trulania does have a nice ring to it, don't you think?
Once the moment was captured, Twitter immediately zoomed in on Trudeau and Trump, and offered some commentary on the exchange. Needless to say, social media ships them.
Everyone loved this image so much that even RT, the Russian-government funded media outlet, retweeted the image.
Look, this photo doesn't prove that Trump might have a bit of a crush on Trudeau, but could we really blame her if she did? Plus, she's not the only woman in the Trump family to be caught looking longingly at the Canadian prime minister. In February 2017, a photo surfaced of White House senior staffer and first daughter Ivanka Trump sitting next to Trudeau during a meeting about female entrepreneurship, and she was staring at him very... closely. Once this photo went viral across the internet, some Twitter users joked that her husband, Jared Kushner, should be worried.
Even though the photos of Trudeau and Trump caught the attention of, oh, nearly everyone on social media, the prime minister attended the G7 summit to discuss more serious matters. On Sunday, Aug. 25, Trudeau met with President Trump to negotiate trade deals between the two countries. Thankfully, the exchange went much better than last year, seeing as after the June 2018 G7 summit President Trump attacked Trudeau via Twitter by calling him "meek and mild." Trump wrote,
PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our @G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, 'US Tariffs were kind of insulting' and he 'will not be pushed around.' Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy!
It's nice to see that these two political leaders were able to push their differences aside for this year's G7 summit. However, if President Trump sees the photo of the first lady and the prime minister, the president might be calling out Trudeau for other reasons. Have your popcorn at the ready, people.