Twitter Is Extremely Confused By A New Study Calling Prince William The "World's Sexiest Bald Man"
You've probably heard of the coveted annual "Sexiest Man Alive" title. I mean, the most recent winners have included Michael B. Jordan, John Legend, and Idris Elba, and people get excited for that long-awaited cover each year to see who's won the title. But there's another title you probably didn't know about: the “World’s Sexiest Bald Man.” A recent survey concluded Prince William holds this specific distinction, and the choice lit up Twitter. If you're curious about the decision, you may want to check out these tweets about Prince William being the “World’s Sexiest Bald Man,” because they don’t hold anything back.
On Friday, March 26, UK publication The Sun reported that cosmetic surgery company Longevita conducted a study through Google to determine which bald public figures were the sexiest. The company searched how many times the Duke of Cambridge has been called “sexy” in online publications and blogs, comparing other famous bald men. The results were a landslide, with 17.6 million references to Prince William’s sexiness, placing the Duke in the top spot. On the top ten list, he beat out the likes of Mike Tyson (who took second place), Jason Statham, Pitbull, Michael Jordan, and more.
Tyson’s second-place number of 8.8 million was half of Prince William’s whopping “sexy” count. The top ten, which consisted of Statham, Pitbull, Jordan, Bruce Willis, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and other notables, didn’t include some celebs Twitter users may have expected to make the list. Other figures who narrowly missed the top ten included Russian President Vladimir Putin and Sir Patrick Stewart, who scored 2.2 and 1.1 million mentions, respectively.
A spokesperson for Longevita told The Sun, “There are quite a few bald public figures we can feast our eyes on," but Twitter users were confused about the results. Once the report went viral, people unashamedly voiced their opinions about the title of “World’s Sexiest Bald Man" and called out people who should've won.
A ton of people are singing the praises of other bald celebs like Shemar Moore and Stanley Tucci:
Others are also bringing up model Tyson Beckford, Statham, and French football coach Thierry Henry:
Most people seem to agree that Tucci and Statham should have beaten out the Duke of Cambridge:
Some people are making memes about the situation:
It seems like fans are not here for the awkward survey, and definitely have some ~thoughts~ on who should have received the number one spot, no offense to the Duke of Cambridge.