Taylor Swift Fans Are Literally Thanking Joe Alwyn For This Song On 'Lover'
What are you trying to do, Taylor? Give everyone a heart attack? Swift recently dropped her new masterpiece Lover, and with it came a slew of new love-tinged tracks for her fans to swoon over. (Scratch that. Make it "for her fans to listen to alone in their rooms and cry over.") That's better. The tweets about Taylor Swift's "Paper Rings" in particular show fans feel very grateful to Swift's boo, Joe Alwyn, for seemingly inspiring the super fun song.
This particular song gained a lot of interest after Swift started hosting her secret listening sessions. While all guests were sworn to refrain from sharing any details about basically anything they saw, heard, or spoke about with Taylor, some people just couldn't help themselves. As many people pointed out, paper is the first traditional present when it comes to anniversary gifts. Likewise, a paper ring suggested marriage, too. One person tweeted the thesis:
'Paper Rings' [is] a very romantic song, the heart of Lover. Taylor’s wedding voes [sic] to Joe. About how the girls with the biggest rings have the shittiest relationships. And that despite her love for shiny things [she] would marry her lover with paper rings, as the material things doesn’t matter to her in a relationship.
Turns out, they might have been on to something.
Here are some of the lyrics:
The moon is high / Like your friends were the night that we first met / Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet / Now I've read all of the books beside your bed / he wine is cold / Like the shoulder that I gave you in the street / Cat and mouse for a month or two or three / Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe
Sure, if someone else said they woke up in the middle of the night to watch someone breath they'd be creepy, but because it's Taylor Swift, I'm not mad.
The chorus words go like this:
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings / Uh huh, that's right / Darling, you're the one I want, and / I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this / Uh huh, that's right / Darling, you're the one I want, and / Paper rings and picture frames and dirty dreams / Oh, you're the one I want
Swoon, swoon, swoon.
Twitter is buzzing over this song, because it's a different take on a love song. It's not slow and meandering with hard-to-decipher metaphors. It's upbeat, poppy, and tells fans that Swift would basically marry Alwyn RN if she could.
Fans are showing their gratitude to Alwyn for apparently inspiring the the pop tune.
Naturally, everyone is linking the love song to Swift's longterm boyfriend, Joe Alwyn, along with a few other choice songs from the album. "London Boy" is an obvious ode to the British actor and "False God" ended up being a pretty raw romance piece, too. TBH, the love for Alwyn coming from fans is so sweet.
It feels like it's only a matter of time until a "Paper Rings" period music video comes out featuring Swift in pin curls, right? Whatever happens next, Swifties can't wait!