Kris Jenner & Chrissy Teigen Had A Super Bowl Party & The Snapchats Are Hilarious
Guys... what a weekend. The Super Bowl happened, Kylie Jenner made everyone forget about the Super Bowl by confirming she had a baby, This Is Us finally showed us how Jack died (still not OK), and that was just Sunday! I honestly forget what I did on Saturday because SUnday was so eventful. Chrissy Teigen spent the Super Bowl partying at her house, though, and it looked like a lot more fun than I had. And Kris Jenner was there!! The videos of Kris Jenner at Chrissy Teigen's Super Bowl party are hilarious, and all I did for the game was order Pizza Hut and pretend I knew what was going on. Even though Teigen was throwing an expert-level Super Bowl party and I was, well, sitting on my couch eating Pizza Hut with my roommate, Teigen and I had the same thought about the game: it was (*ducks for cover from angry Eagles and Patriots fans*) kind of a boring game... right? Like, a lot of more interesting things could have happened...? Is that just me and Teigen thinking that...? Right, right, right. Cool, cool, cool.
Chrissy Teigen's tweet about the Super Bowl is exactly how I felt about the whole game (and sports in general, TBH). A bit into the first half, Teigen tweeted, "This could have everything to do with the fact I'm not drinking but this feels very...uneventful."
The game might've felt uneventful, but Teigen's Super Bowl party wasn't! The Twitter queen had a bunch of friends over to watch the game, and they all looked like they were living their best life. Seriously, the photos of Chrissy Teigen's Super Bowl party on her Snapchat show homegirl knows how to plan a good time. And a good time with Chrissy Teigen, as we all well know, starts with having an amazing spread of food.
Teigen wasn't doing the cooking this time, however. She had Chef Roblé Ali prepare all the food for the party and my mouth is watering just looking at all of it.
This is literally a plate of cheese covered in a blanket of bacon. I sob.
There were also crab legs, and now I'm sobbing even more.
There was a huge assortment of Patriots and Eagles-themed snacks because #sports.
Enough about food, though. Let's talk about the guests.
John Legend and Luna were there, looking as adorable as ever.
They straight-up had a makeshift petting zoo for the kids to play in.
And everyone was welcome to hang out in the pool.
They even had brick oven pizza being made in the backyard. Goals.
This is the face of a woman who knows she planned a lit Super Bowl party.
Kris Jenner herself appeared on the Snapchat story, too. Teigen filmed Jenner while she said, "If anyone's in the market for a slightly used table, the Kris Jenner just fell into it."
You can see Jenner seemingly icing her hand after tripping over one of Teigen's tables. They were all laughing about it, though, so everything's fine! Mama Kris is fine!!
Jenner responded to Teigen's joke saying, "Very extremely valuable right now. If anyone is willing to make a bid on this we're willing to let it go."
In the next snap, Teigen said, "Kris, what happened over here?" Jenner responded, "Well, this is where I did a faceplant. This is also very valuable."
LOL. Oh, Kris Jenner. What a weekend you had. You can watch the whole hilarious exchange on Teigen's Snapchat story.
But seriously... y'all heard about Kylie Jenner's baby, right?
Kylie Jenner confirmed her pregnancy and the birth of her daughter on Super Bowl Sunday, proving the Kardashian/Jenner family is a giant set of social media geniuses who know exactly how to break the internet without fail.
Kylie Jenner was literally a top trend over the Super Bowl, guys!! The SUPER BOWL.
Kris Jenner's reaction to Kylie Jenner's baby was the sweetest thing ever, and she apparently brought the baby bliss with her when she went to party with Chrissy Teigen and John Legend.
After Kylie Jenner announced the arrival of her and Travis Scott's daughter on Sunday, Feb. 4, Kris Jenner tweeted, "God is SO good!! I am so excited and thrilled to welcome another precious baby girl to our beautiful, ever growing family. We are blessed beyond belief!"
Between finally being able to talk about her youngest daughter's baby with the world and her hilarious appearance on Chrissy Teigen's Snapchat story, Kris Jenner had quite the Super Bowl Sunday.