These 'Westworld' Season 2 Finale Photos Give A Major Clue About William's Fate
Westworld's second season comes to an end this Sunday. Like last season at this time, there's a lot of unanswered questions and several fan theories in play as to how the final episode will bring everything together. But this year also gave fans the surprise of a Game of Thrones-like penultimate episode, where two major characters died and one was left digging a knife into his arm in what might be a suicide attempt. With the ending still days away, fans are searching through the Westworld Season 2 finale photos in hopes of clues to our character's fates, especially William's.
As mentioned above, one character was left with a knife stuck in his arm, and that would be William. But personally, I'm not so convinced William was trying to take his own life. Rather, he seemed to be digging in his arm, up high by the elbow, exactly where viewers have seen hosts cut open in order to find their quick port to hook them up to the system.
William sure has good reason to want to find a port and prove this is not the real him, as he just shot his daughter Emily in cold blood because he didn't realize she wasn't a host. But is he a host? Or will he need to move on and focus on finding the Forge in the Valley Below before it's too late?
First, here's the trailer for the final episode, entitled "The Passenger," which is longer than usual, and has a *lot* of clips embedded into it.
As for the synopsis, as usual, it's completely unhelpful. But at least, unlike last week, it's not a song lyric for a tune which will not turn up in the episode. (Yes, I really wanted to hear Ramin Djawadi's take on Nine Inch Nails' "Hurt." Maybe he'll do it next season.)
Anyway, this week's synopsis is actually a line spoken by Akecheta in episode 4's "The Riddle of the Sphinx."
You live only as long as the last person who remembers you.
As for the photos, the first one seems to be good news on the William front. The photo shows him right where last week left off, and his arm is bloodied to hell, but someone's come along and stopped him from digging any deeper.
Could it be Dolores who comes along and stops him from doing further damage? She and William have both lost everyone on their journey. It would only make sense it would be the two of them riding to destroy the Valley Beyond together.
There is also a shot of Akecheta, who fans now know is Dolores' ultimate enemy, though it's doubtful Ford meant for this to happen when he told the host to go to the Valley Beyond to escape this "wrong world."
There's no photo of Maeve this week. But from the trailer, fans know she'll re-enter the park. Her loyal followers are by her side though, and there are two pictures for them.
The first is Hector looking like a badass, ready to take down whoever she tells him to.
The other is Armistice, who is still one of my favorite characters. Also, I think her Shogun World dopplebot, Hanaryo, is behind her in a mirror image pose.
Finally, here's Bernard, standing like he might be handcuffed, looking helpless. The title "The Passenger" suggests Ford is still riding around in Bernard's programming somewhere, despite the deletion last week.
Will Ford help Bernard? Will the Valley Beyond be destroyed before Akecheta's people can escape? Whatever happens in the finale, it seems like fans' minds will be blown before the hour is up.