These Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Mercury Retrograde, So Thank Your Lucky Stars
Mercury retrograde is officially back again, and our planet of communication, technology, and transportation is all: "Surprise b*tch! I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me." Starting on Nov. 16 in brutally honest and spontaneous Sagittarius and ending on Dec. 6 in secretive and strategic Scorpio, it's time to be extra cautious. Think twice before opening your mouth, hold off on making major commitments, and finish all the projects you're currently working on instead of starting new ones. Even though we'll all be dealing with the uncomfortable effects, some of us will still have a better time than others. In fact, these zodiac signs will have the best Mercury retrograde 2018, if you can believe it: Leo, Capricorn, and Aquarius. If your sun, rising, or Mercury is in any of these signs, thank the goddesses, because things just got way easier for you.
However, just because I say that you'll have the "best" Mercury retrograde doesn't mean you shouldn't take this phenomenon seriously. Chances are, this transit will affect us all in a super personal way. However, even if the difficulties still manage to take your life for a spin, remember that this is the last Mercury retrograde of 2018. Pat yourselves on the back for managing, against all odds, to make it through.
Leo: Time To Lower Your Expectations And Have Fun
You may shine as bright as the sun, Leo, but Mercury retrograde spares no one, not even you. However, there's still a silver lining that makes all the difference, and it has everything to do with the fact that Mercury will station retrograde in your fifth house of fun and pleasure.
Now, this could indicate a screeching halt to all your creative genius. It's definitely not the ideal time to start some lofty and tedious artistic project, nor is it the best period to try too hard to force fun to happen. Instead, you should treat yourself to simple pleasures, find comfort in your go-to hobbies, and reacquaint yourself with your inner child. When you were a kid, all you had was your imagination. There was no such thing as judgment or approval. Rediscover that feeling.
Capricorn: It's All About Reconnecting With Your Intuition
Like I said, Mercury retrograde is still gonna get you, but in all likelihood, this will be an immensely rewarding and spiritually enriching time. After all, Mercury will retrograde through your 12th house of imagination and intuition.
If your dreams are especially confronting, it's because you're receiving important messages from your unconscious that you definitely shouldn't ignore. Your intuition will be especially sensitive to every single thing in your life, guiding you in the right direction, even if actually moving in that direction is difficult. Sometimes the right thing to do is the hardest thing to do. However, remember that you can't fight against the truth. Make sure you continue with your spiritual rituals, such as journaling, meditation, prayer, or anything that brings you closer to your highest self.
Aquarius: Prepare To Reconnect With Old Friends
Look, I get it. You're a visionary and electric sign as it is, and even though Mercury isn't your ruling planet, its retrograde never fails to leave you feeling confused. Despite how difficult it is to have Mercury stationing retrograde in your 11th house of friends, there is bound to be beautiful connections made during it.
Even though it'll likely leave you feeling overwhelmed by social situations, possibly even alienated by others, this transit will encourage you to reconnect with old friends that you may have lost touch with. Mercury retrograde has a way of dredging up the old days and bringing back the ghosts of friendships past. It can be a time to get closure from previous relationships that still feel open-ended and unfinished. Whether it's a one-time reunion or your connection reignites, allow the love to heal you.