J.Lo & A-Rod Answered Questions About Their Relationship, But IDK Who To Trust
One of the cutest couples to ever grace this planet is giving fans an adorable inside look into their lives together. In this video of Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez answering questions about their relationship, they open up about everything and it's just so cute. But you definitely won't know who to believe by the end of it.
With the world on lockdown, many people are finding different ways to keep busy, and Lopez and Rodriguez decided to take part in a couples challenge on social media. In an Instagram video posted on March 24, Lopez and Rodriguez answered rapid-fire questions about their relationship by pointing while their eyes were closed. This way they couldn't see each other's answers.
The one-minute video started with a juicy question: "Who initiated the first kiss?" J.Lo and A-Rod both pointed to Lopez. Get yo' man, girl.
It was followed by another interesting question: "Who apologizes first after an argument?" J.Lo passionately motioned to herself while A.Rod pointed at himself. LOL.
The video only got funnier from there. "Who is the funny one?" They both pointed at each other. It's at this point others can be heard laughing in the background.
"Who is the most romantic?" J.Lo pointed at herself, before changing her mind and pointing to her fiancé.
The pair agreed Rodriguez is the romantic in the relationship, as well as the social butterfly. Lopez is the best cook. She also takes the longest to get ready in the morning, spends the most money, and is stubborn.
The couple hilariously differed on a few things, like who is the most patient in the relationship and who is a grumpier person in the morning. They both indicated they think they are more calm, cool, and collected than their partner.
The most surprising question (IMHO) was learning who said "I love you" first. In the clip, J.Lo seemed to forget while A-Rod was sure he did it. In the end, they both agreed Rodriguez poured out his heart first.
Their fans filled the comments section, leaving comments like, "OMG!!! This is hilarious!! Love you both," "This is precious," and "Loved the reactions."
Loved it too. Please make a part two. Signed, J.Lo and A-Rod shippers.