This Video Of Keke Palmer Asking The National Guard To March With Protesters Is Powerful
Keke Palmer took to the streets of Los Angeles on Tuesday, June 2, to protest unchecked police brutality following the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 25. Palmer was impassioned as she marched alongside thousands of others, and even expressed herself during a face-to-face conversation with members of the National Guard. This video of Keke Palmer asking the National Guard to march with protestors is so powerful.
Palmer has been vocal on Twitter following the killing of Floyd where she's spoken out about injustice in the black community, and how racism is still very real in 2020. On Tuesday, though, Palmer collected her thoughts and lent her voice to the public during an L.A. protest.
In a video posted by NBC News reporter Gadi Schwartz, Palmer approached armed guards in hopes to get them to unify with protesters. Palmer began her powerful plea by addressing President Donald Trump's since-taken-down tweet that included the phrase "when the looting starts, the shooting starts."
“You have a president that’s talking about the second amendment as a use for people to use firearms against the people that are protesting,” Palmer said. "This is the messages that we’re seeing. I don’t know if you['re] on social media, because the news don’t tell you everything. But you have to pay attention to what’s going on ... we have a president who’s trying to incite a race war. And when the borders are closed, we can’t leave. You have people in here that need your help. This is when you and y’all stand together with the community, with society to stop the governmental oppression, period. We need you."
After one of the guards expressed that they agree with Palmer, the actress then replied: "So march with us, march beside us. You get your people. Y’all march beside us. March beside us. March beside us. Let the revolution be televised; march beside us and show us that you’re here for us. Make history with us."
The guards went on to explain to Palmer that they had to protect their posts and were unable to leave the area to march with her, but they did ultimately take a knee in solidarity with her and other protesters. Whille Palmer did not feel taking a knee was enough, other protesters appreciated the gesture.
The following morning, Palmer spoke to Good Morning America about what triggered her emotional approach.
"I want to know people that are in these powerful positions of saving or taking a life, I want to know they’re with the citizens and committed to taking a stand against the system and the injustices," she shared. "And if we are unified, no matter who you are or what you’re wearing, we create change. Buildings can be rebuilt, but once lives are taken, they’re gone."