LOL, RM Snitched On Jungkook's Epic Hiding Place During A Game Of Hide & Seek
The boys of BTS work hard, and play harder. After BTS finally debuted "Black Swan" live on the Late Late Show with James Corden on Tuesday, Jan. 28, RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook played a classic children's game with Corden and Ashton Kutcher, and it's possibly the most entertaining clip on YouTube right now. This video of BTS' RM snitching on Jungkook during hide and seek will make you laugh out loud.
ARMYs have been waiting for BTS' "Black Swan" performance since earlier this month when the group announced their plans to showcase their choreography on the late night talk show. Since then, BTS headed to Los Angeles where they performed at the 2020 Grammys with Lil Nas X, and have been hard at work prepping their "Black Swan" debut. The saying "practice makes perfect" definitely fits here, because BTS' Late Late Show performance was *out of this world* incredible.
So, when all was said and done, BTS earned some much-needed play time — and it was just as endearing as their performance. After Corden prompted RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook to hide around the studio, the boys wasted no time seeking out the best spots.
Jungkook undoubtedly found the most epic hiding spot, hiding in plain sight by pretending to be a camera man. Kutcher and Corden actually ran right past him several times on their search for the boys. Actually Jungkook probably never would have been found at all if RM hadn't taken pity on Kutcher, who was losing pretty badly to Corden. So, he brutally snitched Jungkook out, and it was all caught on camera.
Watch the full game of hide and seek below. The hilarious snitching moment plays out at the 5:06 mark.
As you can see, there's good reason the video quickly began to trend on Twitter. ARMYs not only enjoyed the video, but also thanked Corden and Kutcher for being so welcoming to BTS, prompting responses from both of them.
Check out some of the best reactions to the hide and seek video below.
Corden, Kutcher, and BTS are clearly the friend group I never knew I needed until now.