
”I Really Do Care" Is The Perfect Response To Melania Trump's Awful Jacket

by Daniella Bondar
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images

On Thursday June 21, Melania Trump decided to leave the fancy getups at home and go visit a shelter for migrant children at the U.S.-Mexican border wearing a Zara jacket that had "I really don't care, do u?" scribbled on the back. Decidedly, not the best fashion choice while visiting migrant children — some of whom have been separated from their families and are now detained. But Twitter wanted to show that just because Trump doesn't care, doesn't mean they don't. Tweets about "I really do care" are the best response to Melania Trump's jacket controversy, and I'm all about it.

On Thursday the first lady boarded a plane to visit an immigrant children's center in McAllen, Texas. The shelter housed unaccompanied children between the ages of 12 and 17, and while some of them entered the country alone, others were there because they had been taken from their parents at the border, according to ABC News. Which means some of those kids had recently been separated from their families because of President Donald Trump's immigration policy. Trump might have been visiting to look in on the children, but her "I really don't care" jacket definitely kind of undermined whatever message she was trying to send.

Of course the tweets responding to the jacket controversy were on point, but it was the response from Parker Molloy, a writer with Upworthy, which won the day. Molloy bought the domain name and set it up to redirect visitors to an ActBlue charity page that allowd people to donate to 14 organizations helping migrant children. "Since Melania Trump's jacket said 'I really don't care'...I set up," Molloy wrote in a tweet on June 21. In the five hours since she posted it, the tweet has been liked over 44,000 times.

If you click on it takes you to a landing page to "support kids at the border," and a list of organizations and what they do. On the page, you click the amount you want to donate, and the page divides it amongst all of the 14 organizations listed. According to another tweet from Molloy, the donation page was already active but she decided to purchase the "" domain and attach it.

It's such a brilliant idea, I wish I thought of it. Molloy, you're a genius.

Of course there's always going to be a troll to come along and ruin all that's good. A short time after Molloy shared with everyone, she sent out another tweet showing that someone had responded saying that the only reason she put it all together was for a profit. Except, Molloy literally had the receipts on hand to shut those rumors down. Molloy shared the a photo of the tweet alongside a pic of the domain receipt to assure everyone that she's in no way profiting off the site, and that all she did was buy the URL and direct it to the charity site. Molloy wrote,

It should go without saying, but no, I’m not profiting off of this thread or any donations that go through the ActBlue page. All I did was buy a domain name and set up the URL forwarding to Amanda’s great list of charities.

But forget the trolls. What Molloy did was awesome, but she wasn't the only one who had a clever #IReallyDoCare response to the first lady's very poor choice of attire. Twitter did not hold back, and, honestly, I'm living for the tweets.

Like Twitter, #IReallyDoCare and can't imagine a jacket that oblivious was just an oversight. But Trump's spokesperson, Stephanie Grisham, said in a statement that "it's just a jacket" and it doesn't mean anything. She wrote,

It's a jacket. There was no hidden message. After today's important visit to Texas, I hope this isn't what the media is going to choose to focus on.

OK, sure. None of it makes sense to me. Trump usually cares very deeply about children and even spoke up about Trump's policy of separating children from their families. In a statement to The Hill on June 17, Grisham said that the first lady "hates to see children separated from their families." And after her visit to Texas, the first lady even shared photos from it on Twitter. Trump thanked the the people taking care of the children in "such a difficult time." She wrote in her June 21 tweet,

Today's visit to #Texas to spend time with children & thank the many hardworking individuals helping to care for them was very meaningful. Thank you to @SecAzar@HHSGOV for traveling w me today & the care you are giving these children in such a difficult time.

So what's up with that jacket? What does she really think? Let me inside your head, Melania, because this is exhausting.