Twitter Is Fuming Over The Skimpy Costumes For 'Justice League's’ Amazon Warriors
When the Wonder Woman movie was released this past summer, women and girls everywhere rejoiced as a strong female hero graced the big screen. Fans of the film were likely excited when it was announced that Wonder Woman would again appear on the big screen in the this fall's Justice League. While awaiting the return of summer 2017's favorite heroine, some images were released from the set of Justice League. It appears that the Amazonian warriors from Wonder Woman got a little makeover, and people are not pleased. Just take a look at these tweets about Justice League's Amazon warriors' costumes to see for yourself.
InWonder Woman, Diana's fellow Amazonian warriors on the island of Themyscira train and battle. They push themselves to the brink in order to train Diana as hard as they can, because her mother Queen Hippolyta demanded her training be more rigorous than that of any other warrior. This type of training required the proper attire. The costumes in Wonder Woman were well-researched and designed by Lindy Hemming, and in it, Diana and the other Amazon warriors don armor during battle and protective outfits while training, all inspired from sportswear designs. Hemming called it "archaic sportswear" in an interview with Flickering Myth published in June.
One eagle-eyed Wonder Woman fan, Atte Timonen (who goes by @Rosgakori on Twitter), pointed out the Amazon warriors' costume change in the upcoming film, Justice League, in a post on her Twitter account on Sunday, Nov. 12.
Here is a side-by-side image of the costumes used in Wonder Woman (left), designed by Hemming, and the ones used in Justice League (right), designed by Michael Wilkinson.
In the right-side image, you can see the Amazon warriors ready for battle in Wonder Woman, complete with Roman-inspired protective armor. On the other hand, the still from Justice League, which was originally posted by Justice League director Zack Snyder, shows more bikini-like outfits made of leather.
Twitter quickly lit up with opinions.
There's nothing wrong with great abs, but armor likely repels a sharp arrow better than exposed skin.
It's like there are vital organs just behind those rock-hard abs or something.
In response, an image from training scenes in Wonder Woman, where the Amazon warriors are wearing similar-looking outfits, was posted.
Fans of the film were quick to point out that the warriors did not go to battle in these training outfits.
In the Flickering Myth interview, Hemming explained the inspiration for the Wonder Woman training costumes came from modern sportswear, since the Amazon warriors are athletes.
Another costume designer, Amanda Weaver, who had no part in designing the Wonder Woman costumes, posted a Twitter thread back in June about the likely sources of inspiration for Hemming. She noted extreme similarities between Hemming's final looks for the warriors and Roman armor. Weaver noted in her explanation that Romans made armor by overlapping heavy leather. While this analysis isn't coming directly from Hemming, it does appear that the leather in the Wonder Woman training outfits is arranged in an overlapping style in order to create and armored surface.
Another image sent by Zack Snyder from the Justice League set was posted to show that the Amazon warriors are covered up.
Another pointed out that in that same picture, there are men covered in full armor and shields.
Now, perhaps this still from the Justice League set is an image from a training scene — or perhaps the Amazon warriors are fighting in an earlier time period that would have changed the look, as posited by some Twitter users. Since the photo is an on-set still, there is no way to know. But even the dressed-down training outfits used in Wonder Woman look to cater more to function instead of form (they still have their metal wrist guards), while the Justice League image looks like it caters to women's curves rather than serving as protective armor (leather bracelets grace their arms).
Of course, the comparison can only be fully fleshed-out once the Justice League film is released, but this still definitely has some people asking questions about the possible costume change. Given that Wonder Woman began filming in 2015, complete with Hemming's costume design, it is slightly baffling as to why the Amazon warriors in Justice League, which was still in pre-production in 2016, wouldn't be wearing similar, if not identical, outfits.
Perhaps there will be more Hemming-inspired looks in the final cut of Justice League. If that is the case, then it will be a big step forward for women's costume design and an opportunity to enjoy Wonder Woman on the big screen again, without detracting from the performance with debate over the costume design.
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