October 11 Is Officially 'Parent Trap' Day, So Break Out The Peanut Butter & Oreos
If you grew up in the '90s, then there are a few things you know for sure: 1) All the lyrics to "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls, 2) Hocus Pocus definitely deserves an Oscar, and 3) Oct. 11 is Parent Trap Day. That being said, tweets about "Parent Trap Day" have '90s kids everywhere busting out the peanut butter and Oreos to celebrate one of the greatest cinematic masterpieces of a generation (Titanic is SHAKING).
For those of you unfamiliar with The Parent Trap, it is a timeless tale of twin sisters (both expertly portrayed by the once legendary Ms. Lindsay Lohan in the 1998 remake) who are separated at birth and kept secret from one another because of their parents' decision to divorce. For the majority of their adolescent lives, one twin, Hallie, lives with their father in Napa Valley, meanwhile, the other twin, Annie, lives with their mother in London. (A+ parenting if you ask me...)
Years later, in an unexpected, yet quirky turn of events, the two sisters end up AT THE SAME SUMMER CAMP where they start out as enemies (probably because they are both HBIC material), but eventually bond over Leo DiCaprio's hotness, their shared affection for dipping Oreos in peanut butter, and their desire to get their parents back together. I mean, what are the odds?
Of course, one of the most iconic scenes in the movie (second probably to the scene where Meredith wakes up on an air mattress in the middle of the lake) is the scene where Annie and Hallie are sent to live in the isolation cabin with one another and realize they were born on the same day, which just so happens to be October 11 — Parent Trap Day! Naturally, fans of the movie have taken to Twitter to celebrate the joyous occasion and remind people of the significance of October 11.
Lindsay Lohan is, of course, no stranger to important October dates. Indeed, we all know how significant Oct. 3 is for Mean Girls fans. That aside, though, Oct. 11 is, by far, the more important holiday in my opinion.
The Parent Trap was released almost 20 years ago in July 1998, which makes all of us '90s kids feel a bit ancient. Since then, LiLo has starred in a bunch of other "new classics" and has, herself, moved to London. The actress told The Sun in 2016,
The smartest thing I have done for myself is making the move to London. I came to London by myself. Being here is such a big deal. The people who I used to hang out with are waking up at 5 a.m. Now I wake up at 9 a.m. I have more self-control. I got into meditation. I don't feel the pressure that I used to feel.
Last year Lohan even payed a visit to the home where Annie lived with her mother, Elizabeth, in The Parent Trap. The actress uploaded a picture of herself — one that has since been deleted — outside the London home with the caption: "A trip down memory lane #sundayfunday #theparenttrapmovie Annie's house but it was number 7 in the movie."
Ahhh, nostalgia. This, my friends, is what the internet is for.
With that in mind, I don't think it's ever too soon to start hoping for another reboot of The Parent Trap, is it? Maybe this time Lindsay can play Hallie and Annie's mom, you know, since she has that posh new British accent and all.
In the meantime, while we wait, here is the spectacular scene that inspired Parent Trap Day.
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