These Tweets About Selena Gomez's "Back To You" Music Video Will Make You Put It On Repeat
If you haven't yet heard Selena Gomez's new song, "Back To You," you should probably just stop what you're doing and give that a listen. If you've already listened to it on repeat at least one hundred times like I have, congratulations! You're now worthy to watch the new music video that just dropped. Over the last few days, Gomez has been posting some sneak peeks from her long-awaited music video to her Instagram account, and fans have been loving it. And now that the music video is here, pretty much everyone is celebrating it in all of its glory, and these tweets about Selena Gomez's "Back To You" music video will make you scream, "YASSS QUEEN!!!"
It doesn't take much after watching the video to realize that Gomez *might* be singing about her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Justin Bieber (you may have heard of him). Gomez's video seems to be, in a broad sense, about knowing that someone isn't perfect for you, and yet, you still find yourself wanting to be with them. The lyrics give a bit more depth into this (and really, how could this be about anybody else other than Bieber?):
I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to / When I'm lying close to someone else / You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it / If I could do it all again / I know I'd go back to you
Gomez's lyrics continue with a similar sentiment, singing:
We never got it right / Playing and replaying old conversations / Overthinking every word and I hate it / ‘Cause it's not me ('cause it's not me) / And what's the point in hiding? / Everybody knows we got unfinished business / And I'll regret it if I didn't say / This isn't what it could be (isn't what it could be)
You can watch the whole video here, which I suggest you do, because it's brilliantly shot and reminds me of a very, very short Wes Anderson film mixed with a glamorous silent movie:
Isn't this video just the best? And isn't this song completely, 100%, absolutely about Justin Bieber? Fans on Twitter seem to think so:
But many fans glossed over the context of the video just to gush about how amazing the music video is in general, some calling it "superb" and "the best music video of Selena Gomez's career":
So basically, what I'm trying to say is that this new music video is gorgeously shot, has an incredible underlying theme, and will make you feel many, many things.
Back in December 2017, Gomez spoke with Billboard about why she was unashamed of her relationship with Bieber, and doesn't understand why there is so much speculation about her love life. She said,
I mean I don't think anybody truly, actually cares ... I think for me what's been great is that I've been able to live the life that I've wanted for myself. And that doesn't always look the way people maybe think it should look, but it's not really my concern anymore.
She added:
Look, my family is great, my health is great and I love deeply and I think that's just who I am, so I'm not really ashamed.
And, while we don't really know where exactly things are at between the two of them, perhaps this music video will spark something up once more. Can Gomez and the Biebs ever truly be over? I sure as hell hope not.
Jelena 4 EVA.