Everyone's Roasting Tomi Lahren's Ridiculous Gun Leggings Instagram Post
For the past few months everyone has been talking about gun control, whether they're for or against it. Well, controversial television personality Tomi Lahren posted an Instagram on the subject that has everyone scratching their heads. Just when I thought I had seen it all, she once again has proven me wrong, and these tweets about Tomi Lahren's gun pants Instagram post are packing some serious heat.
On March 23, Lahren posted to Instagram to promote Alexo Athletica's Carry With Confidence, an "active carrywear line helping women stay safe and stylish," according to its Instagram. In the photo, Lahren poses from the side with a gun concealed in the front of a pair of her Alexo leggings. Along with the photo, Lahren added a caption to plug the product.
She wrote,
Live. Speak. Stand. Run. Carry with Confidence. Ladies, chances are your assailant is gonna be bigger, stronger and faster and that’s why you have @alexoathletica for your gun, your mace, or even your phone. Yeah, you’ve got it covered. #TeamTomi#alexoathletica#NotYourAverageGunGirl
An athletic brand specifically designed to carry a gun. Welcome to 2018, folks.
Some of you might think this is a joke, but this is real. Since Lahren posted this Instagram, Twitter has been absolutely tearing into her about it.
However, it doesn't seem like Lahren is taking other peoples' opinions to heart, since she actually retweeted a tweet that poked fun at her.
Lahren's Instagram is problematic for a number of reasons, from her logic that a gun is the best method of defense to stop assaults on women, to her inappropriate placement of the firearm. In what world should someone holster a gun down the front of a pair of workout leggings? Certainly not a world I have any desire to live in.
According to Outdoor Hub, one of the critical functions of a holster is protecting the trigger — i.e., a holster helps prevent the gun from going off when you don't want it to. I'm no firearm expert, but I don't think a pocket in some stretchy yoga pants counts as a holster, Tomi.
It's no secret that the Fox News correspondent isn't a fan of the recent fight for gun control legislation. Her far-right conservative viewpoints have earned her quite a reputation among social media and news outlets. She's not afraid to express her thoughts, and her push against stronger gun control legislation has been her most recent speaking point.
During the March For Our Lives rallies on March 24, Lahren took to Twitter to share some thoughts on the protests. However, her tweet about March For Our Lives got just as much of a roasting as her Instagram post.
She tweeted,
Simply being anti-NRA is not a solution. March FOR something, not just against everything.
Um, Tomi, the protest is literally called March For Our Lives.
The recent heated discussion surrounding gun control reform was sparked by the tragic Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which killed 17 people. Following the tragedy, many pro-gun advocates sent their "thoughts and prayers" to the victims and their families. However, students, parents, and gun control advocates weren't accepting that reaction this time around, and instead, decided to push for gun control reform. In response to their call to Congress to fix this serious issue plaguing American schools, Lahren took to Twitter to condemn the remarks.
She tweeted,
Can the Left let the families grieve for even 24 hours before they push their anti-gun and anti-gunowner agenda? My goodness. This isn't about a gun it's about another lunatic.#FloridaShooting
Another day, another outrageous statement by Tomi Lahren.
Whether you're pro or anti-gun law reform, let's not pretend that Tomi Lahren's Instagram is an example of gun safety. Maybe reserve the yoga pants for your personal zen.