Tyler C. Won't Be The Bachelor For This Hypocritical Reason
My apologies to all of you Bachelor Nation fans out there, but it looks like Tyler C. won't be The Bachelor on the 24th season of the show. And, to be totally honest, the reason why he won't is pretty controversial. Chris Harrison told Entertainment Tonight on August, 5 that he doesn't think Cameron will make the cut after he was reportedly spotted on two dates with Gigi Hadid.
“If Tyler is bouncing around from girl to girl and loving the life and enjoying the limelight, which, by the way, good on him. That’s fine. If that’s what you want to do right now, I don’t blame him. He’s probably enjoying life really, really well — but that’s not someone we’re going to want to have as our Bachelor or Bachelorette,” the host told Entertainment Tonight. “So, it’s about sincerity. It’s about where you are in your life. And if that’s where he is in his life, then he’s not the guy for us.”
OK, let me back up for a second here in case you're totally confused about what Harrison's even referring to here. On August 4, all-knowing Bachelor Nation guru Reality Steve took to Twitter to post a screenshot he received of someone claiming they spotted Cameron and Hadid out grabbing drinks at Soho House in Brooklyn.
He posted the screenshot along with this caption:
This was just emailed to me on IG by (IG: artsandfood_nyc). No idea if it’s true, if others saw, or if there’s pics coming. But this person is claiming she saw them. Just wanted to put it out there for all to see. Hannah and Tyler fans - thoughts and prayers.
A source told Us Weekly on August 5 that the two “were laughing and having a great time with each other.”
This information came less than a month after a couple of particularly invested fans noticed Cameron and Hadid had followed each other on Instagram.
News of their reported date was particular scandalous to some fans because Cameron had reportedly just spent the night at Brown's place in Los Angeles on August 1, just a few days prior to reportedly grabbing drinks with Hadid in New York. “He spent the night,” a source told Us Weekly on Aug., 2. “He went to her house and stayed there and left in the morning.”
Brown was totally cool with the reported news of Cameron grabbing drinks with Hadid. "I have feelings, but I’m also single and he’s single and I wanna keep my options open and he can keep his options open," she said, according to Entertainment Tonight, on August 5. She also confirmed that they spent the night together, but said they really just talked.
"We definitely hung out and talked about everything and... I know nobody will believe me [about] just hanging out and actually talking but it was good to be able to catch up," she told Entertainment Tonight. "We had a lot to talk about."
Even if Brown is cool with her ex keeping his options open, Harrison is obviously not... which is pretty hypocritical considering the way Bachelor Nation supported Brown when she was the one keeping her options open. (Remember how she eviscerated Luke P. for slut shaming her?)
After all, isn't the whole point of The Bachelor to have a dude keep his options open until he finds the one?