Taylor Swift Posted A Video From Inside Her 'Reputation' Secret Sessions & It's Epic
Taylor Swift just gave us an inside look into the Reputation secret sessions that fans have been dying to hear about over the last few weeks. The video, originally posted on Instagram, shows Swift sitting in various houses in London, Nashville, and Rhode Island sitting with hundreds of fans as they listen along to Reputation and take pictures with Swift. If you weren't already excited for Reputation, then this video of Taylor Swift's Reputation secret sessions will probably do the trick. The video opens up with a note about the sessions that says,
Over the course of a year, Taylor hand-picked 500 fans from all over the world to secretly play them her new album, reputation, a month before its release on November 10, 2017. This is a sneak peek into the reputation Secret Sessions.
Swift posted the video on Instagram and YouTube. Her Instagram captions only read, "Inside the reputation secret sessions," so if you were hoping she'd reveal a little more on the 'Gram, sorry about ya. As previously reported, all of these fans were invited into Swift's homes in London, Nashville, and Rhode Island to listen to the album. Most of the fans who attended one of the secret sessions made note on their Twitter accounts by changing their account names/handles to things like "met Taylor." The Secret Session participants have been pretty much sworn to secrecy about the album, but they have been raving about it, saying it's Swift's best work yet.
I mean, speaking as a Beyoncé stan, anytime your favorite artist on the planet releases new music, you're going to think it's their best work yet because what kind of stan would you be if you didn't, but the songs already released from Reputation have already made a bit of a ~reputation~ for themselves. (I'm sorry, but we all know that pun had to happen. I'm not proud of it.)
"Look What You Made Me Do" was the first song and music video to be released from the album, and although Swift stans are obsessed with it, critics aren't. "... Ready For It?" came next, and it was viewed as a welcomed different tune from "Look What You Made Me Do," but people still wanted to know if they were ever going to get back to Swift's signature storytelling songwriting skills they felt "LWYMMD" and "...Ready For It?" kind of lacked. The "...Ready For It?" music video was also pretty confusing, seeing as the video seemingly has nothing to do with the lyrics, like... at all. The "...Ready For It?" lyrics are about a relationship whereas the "...Ready For It?" music video is seemingly about her breaking free of the media's perception of her.
"Gorgeous" and "Call It What You Want" were the other two singles released. They were pretty much positively reviewed among fans, as they're the most similar to Swift's past work even though Swift says the "old Taylor" is dead.
One common theme tying three of the four singles together is Joe Alwyn, Swift's boyfriend of one year. Swift sings about a relationship in "...Ready For It?" "Gorgeous," and "Call It What You Want," and secret session participants have assured fans that Swift explicitly told them that pretty much every time she's talking about a relationship on Reputation, she's talking about Alwyn.
So if this is true (it probably is), that means the hella romantic "Call It What You Want" is about Joe Alwyn. Fans even have a theory that Alywn filmed the "Call It What You Want" video Swift released last week. It looks like Swift is in looOOOvvvEEEeeee, you guys.
While Swift might be in love with Alwyn, the secret sessions proved just how much she loves her fans. And they showed their love right back.
Reputation comes out this Friday, Nov. 10, at midnight.