Chelsea Clinton & Ivanka Trump's Old Friendship Wasn't Close Enough For This Honor
As far as I'm concerned, there are two different eras that exist — pre-political Donald Trump, and post-political Donald Trump. Before President Donald Trump began to get involved in politics, he was a celebrity that ran in many different circles both in New York society and in Hollywood — meaning he and his family were connected with the who's who of high society. Some of the Trump family's current fiercest critics very may well have been connected to a Trump family member at one point in their life. Even the Clintons at one point were cool with the Trump family — which begs the question, did Chelsea Clinton go to Ivanka Trump's wedding? Apparently, their friendship wasn't close enough for that.
Although there were reportedly 500 guests in attendance at Trump's 2009 wedding to now-husband Jared Kushner, there are no reports that confirm that Clinton (or anyone else from the Clinton family) was present at the nuptials. That being said, being that the guest list was so incredibly massive, there are a bunch of names on that list that might surprise you. Barbara Walters, Natalie Portman, and Anna Wintour were all in attendance at the lavish affair, according to Town & Country. which was held at the Trump National Gold Club (of course) in Bedminster, New Jersey.
It's actually a bit surprising, considering that Hillary and Bill Clinton were guests at Donald Trump's 2005 wedding to Melania Trump, and that the once-and-future first daughters were actually good friends at one point. But clearly, things have changed since the 2016 election.
In an interview on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert in March, Clinton admitted that she and Trump were once friends, but now they aren't exactly on speaking terms. "I have not spoken to her in a long time," Clinton told Colbert. "It's clear, though, that she has supported policies and decisions that I don't agree with. I've been very vocal about my opposition to President Trump."
But it wasn't always this way, and at one point in their lives, Clinton and Trump were actually pretty close. Back in 2015, Clinton lauded Trump in an interview with Vogue magazine for who she is as a person. She said, "She’s always aware of everyone around her and ensuring that everyone is enjoying the moment. It’s an awareness that in some ways reminds me of my dad, and his ability to increase the joy of the room."
According to Emily Heil, co-author of The Washington Post's Reliable Source column, Trump and Clinton have even gone on a double date with their husbands. It's unclear when the date actually happened, but the fact that Heil referred to both ladies' significant others as "husbands," I'm assuming that this happened after both Trump's 2009 wedding and Clinton's 2010 wedding to Marc Mezvinsky. If they were close enough to go on a double date, I'd think that it would be appropriate for Trump to have Clinton in attendance at her wedding.
Speculation aside, at one point Trump and Clinton did share a friendship that they can't deny. Clearly, things have changed since these two were tight. With or without Clinton in attendance, I'm sure that Trump's wedding was a celebration for the ages that anyone would have been lucky enough to attend.
Disclosure: Chelsea Clinton's husband Marc Mezvinsky joined Social Capital, an investor in Bustle Digital Group, in mid 2017 and joined the Board of Bustle Digital Group in early 2018.